Chapter 3: ¡Sleep!

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RECAP!!: Chishiya walked over to Arisu's bed "Hello.." Chishiya noticed the tone of voice Arisu had. "Hey um Arisu?" "Yes Chishiya?" "Um, I wanted to talk to you about the borderlands with you..."


Arisu's heart stopped at the mention of the 'Borderlands' a feeling in his stomach arised. His eyes welled up with tears as memories of the Borderlands started to flood through his mind like a broken dam.

"Hey, I know you don't want to open up, so I'm not going to make you." Chishiya spoke softly, looking into Arisu's eyes, before resuming. "Remember it's your choice."

"Look, Chishiya, I want to open up. To you especially! Just the thought of the Borderlands.." Arisu paused. "It makes me want to throw up."

Arisu clutched his stomach and looked away. He wasn't lying, the thought of the Borderlands made Arisu want to regurgitate all of his organs. Chishiya looked worried, he raised his hand and started patting Arisu on the back.

"I'm sorry." Chishiya frowned and looked down.

Arisu shook his head and responded. "No, don't be. I shouldn't have worried you like this."

Arisu looked into Chishiyas dark eyes and smiled. "Why are you so worried about me anyway?" He asked, chuckling.

Chishiya frowned and didn't respond. Arisu sighed, "I'm sorry I wasted your time, but I'll make sure I'll come to you when I'm ready to talk."

Chishiya nodded and left the room. Soft but calculated steps. Arisu groaned once the blond's presence left his room. He rested his head against the pillow, and tried to drift off to sleep. But that was interrupted by Hajime coming through the door.

"Ryo, who was that?" Hajime asked, tilting his head. He was sitting on the chair by his hospital bed. Arisu honestly hadn't noticed until now. Arisu didn't respond, but he only smiled and hummed.

"Ryo.. Are you close with him?" Hajime asked another question, frowning. Arisu just nodded and looked out the window. Arisu looked far away, like he wasn't actually here when he talked to his brother. He generally looked that way when anyone talked to him. Like an old man reminiscing about when he was younger.

Hajime knew that Arisu wasn't going to answer any of the questions he threw his way, so he sighed and got up. Hajime waved goodbye and left the room. There's no use in talking to someone who won't respond.

Arisu was tired. Mentally drained even, and the fact he had to stay in the hospital with an IV connected to his forearm made it worse. He wanted to sleep, he wanted to rest and be in his own dream world. Away from this hell hole.


'What is it with people interrupting my sleep..' Arisu thought exasperated. He sat up and looked over to the entrance. The black haired boy saw a woman wearing scrubs.

"We're starting your Physical therapy tomorrow." The woman told him. Arisu nodded, and the nurse left the room. He sighed 'I'm just never getting sleep huh.'

Its almost like the universe answered him with a 'fuck you', because right after he thought that. His father Kenji Arisu came in. He looked at the tall man with black hair, he had a dissatisfied look on his face. With just a glance Arisu knew he was in for a painful lecture.

Kenji doesn't go to sit down like everyone else did. Instead he stands at the door with an intimidating look. He doesn't even bother to look at his disappointment of a son. in the hospital he looks too much like her and he hates it.

"I can't believe you." Kenji starts off, he doesn't even give his son time to breath, and get ready for the lecture. "This happened because you ran off and disobeyed my order."

"Why couldn't you be more like your brother, you know if you actually listened to me you wouldn't be in this situation."

Arisu couldn't look his father in the eyes. He could only look down ashamed of himself.

Kenji pondered a bit before continuing. "This is a great opportunity for you, you can start over your life and try again." Kenji smiled to himself before leaving his son in the claustrophobic hospital room.

Arisu felt his eyes burn. He scrunched up his face and rubbed his eyes to wipe the tears on his face. He smiled while the tears fell from his eyes like a waterfall. 'Of course the only time he decided to see how his own son is he lectures them' he thought, the thought made his crying worse.

Arisu grabbed the pillow and buried his face into it. His eyes suddenly felt heavy qw he closed them leading to his dark slumber.


Arisu peeled his eyes open to see the sun's bright rays shine in his room. 'How long have I been asleep?' Arisu thought while rubbing his eyes so they could adjust to the light. He checked the clock in his room. It showed the time: 1:00. Arisu stretched his arms above his head and sighed happily. (like a cat)

He was feeling very content; he smiled and sat up. A doctor soon entered the room, and they smiled when they noticed Arisu was awake.

"Ah! You're awake. That's good we're gonna start your physical therapy!" The doctor told him with a smile. They reached out their hand to help him out of his bed.

Arisu accepted the hand and was led to another room. When the doctor opened the door he immediately recognized a familiar face.



A//N: AHHHH I'M SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER (ㄒoㄒ). I haven't done enough research on physical therapy so I decided to move it to the next chapter for Liam to deal with. (Sorry Liam)
I really wanted to get this over with and not extend it over a long period of time. (very proud of Liam getting the last chapter done though)

Please comment, Vote, or anything else. We love seeing people support our story. And IDC if its on a chapter I posted 5 months ago or something. I like interaction >:)

(also I haven't proofread this so if you see any error please let me know)

*takes a turn into the food isle in shopping cart* 🛒

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