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iris_lachismosahow i'm tryna be with that pretty mf kevin álvarez 😣

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how i'm tryna be with that pretty mf kevin álvarez 😣


pablito.hatesiris you're so weird iris
iris_lachismosa hater L username

pedropony @kevinalvarez_c
iris_loveschisme man wtf😿

iblewup69 you cheating on me💔

user she better stop before kevin's fangirls get her

user she's so real

kevinalvarez_c let me know when we can recreate them
iris_loveschisme finna shit myself🤯

user back off my man tf.


my loves guess who's back to writing🙏
but like I have a diego ff in my drafts🤫
also this was supposed to be a joão ff but i'll write one of him another time🌚.

IRIS ⭒ kevin álvarez Where stories live. Discover now