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caption: "we have arrived😈"

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caption: "we have arrived😈"

instagram post

pedroponyiris during the whole plane ride💀

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iris during the whole plane ride💀


iris_lachismosa bru delete this shit😭
pedropony no.

iris_lachismosa boy stfu before I post the pics I took of you😹
pablito.hatesiris sorry mom 😞

iblewuplol69 y'all pedri was scared to use the bathroom😭
pedropony no I wasnt liar 🤥
pablito.hatesiris "what if I lock myself in the bathroom"
iris_lachismosa "what if the plane crashes and I get shit everywhere"

user I wanna be friends with them so bad🫤

user why they leaving for qatar so early
pedropony we have meetings,practice and other stuff💔

user I wonder if iris is still butt hurt

user never seen a hotter group before

user smash, smash, smash, smash

"aye wey, if you don't leave me alone, go back to your room." gavi said hitting silene on the head.
the group was staying at the hotel we're the spain team was staying, except that iris and silene have to stay on a different floor.

"no because I want to annoy you." silene fought back. "I don't know where iris is."

"knowing her she's probably in the cafeteria." pedri said getting out of the bathroom.

"she probably is, she's still upset about that thing with kevin she said she was going to text joão after that thing with the mexico team." silene said giving up on fighting gavi.

"you think it'll be awkward for her to be with kevin?" pedri asked.

"yeah." gavi and silene replied.

"she'll probably be hanging out with the other players tho. especially with memo knowing how much she likes him." silene said laughing about her friend.

it was true. iris used to have a big crush on memo when she was younger. and yet she still does, she's met him before but she's didn't know he was married so when he introduced his wife to her, she wanted to run away and cry.

"hey guys i'm back," said iris walking into the room with bags full of snacks. "I went to the store nearby and got a lot of stuff, I also ran into some players from brazil."

"did you see neymar?!" gavi yelled.

"no but I saw raphinha's fine ass," she replied. "we talked for a while and he laughed at my jokes, bro his smile and laugh is so majestic."

"you just fall in love with everyone you see." gavi said.

"i'm married to him he just don't know it." iris sadly responded.

"omg I forgot to tell y'all that I was texting my bae, and he said he's coming to watch spain vs costa rica." silene said.

"you're bae?!?" all three of them yelled.

"oh my you and hector have been talking?! and you never told us!!" iris yelled throwing a pillow at her.

"i'm sorry, I wanted for us to be closer before I said anything." silene apologized.

"so are y'all like dating or..?" gavi asked.

"I don't know yet, we're just talking right now."

"so me and gavi are going to be left out now." pedri asked.

"we'll we could date each other. joking, or iris could let me date her cousin..." gavi joked.

"gavi shut the fuck up. now this is my time to leave. if y'all need me i'll be in my room alseep."

"she's gonna be on instagram or tiktok." pedri said.

"mhm exactly what i'm finna do." iris replied.

should silene and héctor get together🙀?
should iris talk to joão or kevin? or someone else bc I have a current fine argentina boy in mind😈. cough joaquín bae🤭🤭
i've been seeing y'all comments about diego, and I really do want to add him but I don't wanna leave bae heartbroken😓💔...

anyways y'all keep reading😘 <3

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