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there she was getting out of the car. why the hell is she here.

"porque chingados estas aquí?" Kevin yelled out walking fast towards the girl.

"cálmate I just came to fix things between us." she said smiling at him.

"there's no us and there will never be, so get the fuck out of here."

"kevin, please just listen to me. I want to say i'm sorry for everything I've heard you've been talking to that paris or irish whatever her name is but you know that i'll be way better then her."

kevin gave her a 'bitch are you crazy asf' look.

"rosa you bitch. you left me after I said I wanted to introduce you to my mom and now you wanna come back. what the hell is wrong with you?" he yelled out.

"look I know what I did was wrong but I promise i've changed just give me another chance, i'll make things right in between us," she begged. "I'll go to all of your games i'll do anything you say, please just give me another chance."

"alright," he said. "this is the last chance, you fuck up then there's no going back."

"thank you, thank you so much." rosa ran to give  him a hug and a kiss.

'i'm gonna regret this.
I fucked things up.'
kevin thought


iris_lachismosawhen he thinks of me before anyone else😘

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when he thinks of me before anyone else😘


pedropony mmm I wonder who it is...
iris_lachismosa 🤷‍♀️🤫

iblewuplol69 ya'll i'm him😹
user no it's me

pablito.hatesiris girl why you lying😭yk you get no hoes🫵
iris_lachismosa hating cause you get no bitches🙄

user is it kevin?
user most definitely is

diego_lainez it's me shes talking about
kevinalvarez_c boy get tf on somewhere

short ass chapter😭...
yall think rosa will ruin stuff🙀?!?

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