5: Plan S

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IT HAD BEEN about two years since Alejandra had joined SHIELD. She had worked her way up in their ranks and was now up at Level 6 with Natasha. She usually did solo missions, or Laura, and occasionally Clint and Natasha, would come with her. They didn't usually need that many people, so when she did missions it was usually just her and Laura. The two of them were actually a really good team. Laura was one of SHIELD's best snipers, so she watched Alejandra's back by taking out threats from the roof, while Alejandra worked on the ground.

They were currently on a mission now, actually. It was a bigger mission, so Natasha and Clint were there with Laura and Alejandra. Natasha and Alejandra were supposed to get information from two different people. One man was a high up general in the Russian army while the other was a black market arms dealer named Ulysses Klaue. They didn't know what he had that the Russian government was after, but that's what they were here to find out.

Alejandra and Natasha were in an old café in St. Petersburg, while Clint and Laura were on top of buildings on either side of the café. It was a good place to meet. No one would ever guess that a general and a arms dealer would exchange goods here, but that was the point. It was a miracle they had heard about it, and had the time to prepare.

Natasha and Alejandra were dressed as waitresses, but so far no one had questioned them.

"You guys almost done?" Clint asked.

"Oh, be patient, Hawkeye," Alejandra muttered, so no one could hear her. "They just ordered."

"Ale's right," Laura responded, and Alejandra smiled a bit at the nickname. "Not all your problems can be solved with a bow."

"No," Clint said, but it didn't sound like he was agreeing with them. "You need an arrow too."

Alejandra heard Natasha sigh, "Would you shut up, Clint. You're gonna blow our cover."

"Yep, sorry, Nat." Clint said, then went quiet.

Alejandra chuckled slightly and rolled her eyes. She looked up noticed the food the general had ordered was ready. Alejandra pulled out a small device that was connected to their coms so the four of them could listen into their conversation. Alejandra stuck it to the bottom of the plate as she picked them up.

She walked over to the two men, a plate in each hand. She set the plates down in front of the two men and asked, "Yest' chto-nibud' yeshche, chto ya mogu vam predlozhit'?"(Is there anything else I can get you?)

The general looked up at her, narrowing his eyes suspiciously, but Klaue held up his mug and said, "YA mog by ispol'zovat' yeshche nemnogo kofe."(I could use some more coffee.)

"Konechno, ser."(Of course, sir.)

Alejandra walked back to the kitchen to grab the coffeepot. She felt the general's eyes following her as she walked. When she walked into the kitchen, Natasha noticed she was agitated.

"Ale, what is it?" she asked.

Alejandra shook herself. The general probably gave everyone who came up to him suspicious looks, especially when he was illegally trading weapons.

"It's probably nothing," she grabbed the coffeepot and walked back over to their table.

As soon as she came into listening distance, the two of them went quiet. As Alejandra poured the coffee, she could feel the general's narrowed eyes on her. She tried to ignore him, but she couldn't. She looked over him and asked, "YA mogu chto-nibud' sdelat' dlya vas, ser?"(Is there anything I can do for you, sir?)

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