9: Anita Hernandez

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NAT AND ALE were following Pepper Potts through the house of Tony Stark

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NAT AND ALE were following Pepper Potts through the house of Tony Stark. Fury had assigned them a mission to spy on him to see if he was really fit to be a part of the Avengers Incitive. Ale wasn't too thrilled to be there. She was not a fan of Tony Stark. He was way too overconfident and cocky.

"The notary's here!" Pepper announced as they walked into the gym where Tony Stark and another man were boxing. "Can you please come sign the transfer paperwork?"

The two men started arguing, until Ale and Nat walked in.

"I promise this is the only time I will ask you to sign over your company," Pepper told Stark.

"I need you to initial each box," Ale said, holding out a clipboard for Pepper to sign. There was a loud crash and Ale looked over to see Stark had pushed his boxing partner into the side of the ring. Ale rolled her eyes."

"What's your name, ladies?" Stark asked the two women.

"Rushman," Nat replied. "Natalie Rushman."

"Anita Hernandez," Ale introduced.

"Front and center," Stark motioned for Ale and Nat to come into the boxing ring. "Come into the church."

"No," Pepper shut him down. "You're seriously not gonna ask-"

"If it pleases the court, which it does," Stark argued.

"It's no problem," Nat said.

"I'm sorry," Pepper apologized. "He's very eccentric."

Nat entered the ring, while Ale stayed out and watched..

"Can you give her a lesson?" Stark asked his partner.

"No problem," he replied.

Ale's phone then went off. She pulled it out and saw Laura had texted her. She pulled it out and saw a picture of Lila, Laura and Clint's youngest daughter, sitting in front a cake with a two candle on top. Ale smiled and sent back:

Tell her Auntie Ale says hi

"How do I spell your name, Anita?" Stark said, bringing her back to the room.

Gotta go


"A-N-I-T-I-A H-E-R-N-A-N-D-E-Z," she spelled out.

Ale then looked over to where Happy(as she had learned his name was) and Nat were boxing.

"Rule number one, never take your eyes off your opponent," Happy said to Nat.

He tried to take a swing at her, but Nat caught his punch, then wrapped her legs around his neck, using her body weight to pull him to the ground. Ale smirked.

"Oh, my God!" Pepper cried.

"That's what I'm talking about," Stark said.

"I just slipped," Happy defended.

"You did?" Stark asked. "Looks like a TKO to me."

He rang the bell as Nat exited the ring. Ale then walked over to Tony and Pepper, "Just... I need your impression."

"You have a quiet reserve," he said. "And Miss Rushman seems to have an old soul."

"I meant your fingerprint," Ale held out the folder.

"Right," Tony said.

"So, how are we doing?" Pepper asked, walking over.

"Great," Stark replied, signing the paper. "Just wrapping up here. Hey. You're the boss."

"Will that be all, Mr. Stark?" Nat asked.

"No," Stark replied.

"Yes, that will be all, Miss Rushman, Miss Hernandez," Pepper said. "Thank you very much."

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