Vatos pt. 2

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When we get back to the lab Rick takes the bag of guns from T-dog, putting them on the table and starts to load some of the guns as I decide to join him.

"Them guns are worth more than gold. Gold won't protect your family or put food on the table. You willing to give that up for that kid?" Daryl asks slightly pacing.

"If I knew we'd get Glenn back, I might agree. But you think that vato across the way is just gonna hand him over?" T-dog asks putting in his thoughts.

"You calling G a liar?" Miguel questions from the ground next to T-dog.

"Are you a part of this?" Daryl raises his voice then smacks him in the face. "You want to hold onto your teeth?"

"Question is, do you trust that man's word?" T-dog continues after Daryl backs away from Miguel.

"No, question is what are you willing to bet on it? Could be more than them guns. Could be your life. Glenn worth that to you?" Daryl asks Rick and I as we continue messing with the guns.

"What life we have we owe to him. We were nobody to Glenn, just a couple idiots stuck in a tank" Rick starts.

"He could have walked away, but he didn't. Neither will we" I finish.

"So you're gonna hand the guns over?" Daryl asks.

"We didn't say that" Rick and I say simultaneously.

"There's nothing keeping you two here. You should get out, head back to camp" Rick tells them.

"And tell your family's what?" T-dog questions followed by silence.

The four of us look between each other before Daryl joins in grabbing a gun to my left making T-dog get up to grab one as well on my right.

"Come on, this is nuts" Miguel says standing up.

I turn around and slightly push him back and point down signalling him to sit back down before turning back to the guns.

"Just do like G says" Miguel continues sounding defeated and frustrated.

We continue messing with the guns ignoring what Miguel said. When we're done Rick, Daryl, and T-dog all have loaded shotguns while I decide to stick with my two hand guns. I put one in my thigh holster and the other in the back of my waistband, before going over to Miguel.

"Up" I tell him.

When he gets up I grab his arm and lead him to the other side of the room, I grab a long cloth and fold it a few times before putting it over his mouth and tie it. I push him down in a chair near by before looking around the room for something to tie his hands with, after looking in a few places I find something that resembles a camera strap and decide that it'll do the job. After I tie his hands I look back at the others to see if they're ready, receiving a nod from the three I grab Miguel while Rick grabs the guns and we leave the room to head back to get Glenn.

"One last thing before we get there. Don't shoot unless they shoot first" I say as we walk down the stairs.

"Why would we wait for them to shoot first?" Daryl questions clearly not liking the idea.

"You guys really don't pay close attention do you?" I ask turning around. "From what I could see only a handful of them have guns the rest had things like bats, crowbars, and metal pipes. As far as I can tell all they have going for them is the number of people in their group. Also I'd like to get through this without anyone dying it'd be pointless" I finish as I continue down the stairs.

The other three stay quiet but continue following behind after a few seconds of silence. When we get back to the area we go through the window pushing Miguel in front again, as we approach the doors they open them and Daryl pushes Miguel inside the rest of us following behind. Once inside the doors get closed again and we stop in an open area with a lot of men surrounding us.

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