Another Class and?

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One week passed and today is the time to teach in my class.

You also notice that Glasgow is not wearing her combat outfit either,You just saw her wearing her casual clothing right now.

It seems like Belfast kept her promise that she made to you by taking Glasgow off from being your maid.

As you walked closer to your desk, you said to your students a good morning.

The Shipgirls then spoke back to you in one unison voice.

"Good morning, sir!" The Shipgirls then spoke at the same time while standing next to their desks.

"Actually I don't know what history I'm going to teach today, do any of you want to suggest what history I should teach today?"

One of your students then spoke for the group and said.

"How about the Battle of Midway? That was an important battle and it lead to Japan's loss in the war." The Student then replied to you.

"Hmmmmm, what's your name?"

"My name is Helena. It is a pleasure to meet you, sir." Helena then spoke while saluting you.

"Okay, anyone else have any suggestions?"

I said to the other

Then in one unison voice, Some of your students suggested many different battles to you.

• Operation Ten-Go
• Pearl Harbor
• Battle of the Coral Sea
• The Doolittle Raid

"Hmmm,then I'll explain about the Pacific War or the Japanese called it the Greater East Asia War"

When you said that, Your students then became very excited about learning about the Pacific War.

They were all very ecstatic to learn about what happened during that important point in time.

All of them then sat in their seats as they were ready to study hard right now.

You then began speaking to all of your students about the Pacific War, And you began to explain all of the important details of the event.

Your students then took down notes so they would not forget about what you taught them today.

The class became very quiet.

"Alright Everyone, that's our history lesson for today"

As you said this, All of your students then began clapping for you as you gave a wonderful lesson to all of them about the Pacific war.

Your students are very proud of how you spoke to them during the lecture.

"And i had a news for this Class"

The Students then waited for you to speak on what the news was, They were all very curious on what you had to say to all of your students.

"In the future I will not be teaching you history for a while, as I have important business to attend to"

When you said that all of your students became silent, They were confused on why you said what you said to them, But all of your students then turned their attention to the teacher's podium.

As they turned to the podium, The Students then waited for you to speak on what was the "important business" that you had to attend to.

"I can't say about the details, but i can't leave that"

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