How you met

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(This will be in first person pov)


The one thing I hate more then being social is camping. Pooping outside, peeing in the woods. "Becomming one with nature". What a bunch of crap.

I had no intention of sleeping on a matress as thin as paper with a blanket as shitty as this one. No sleeping bags, no place to do laundry, nowhere to nicely and quietly take a shit without someone yelling or making fun of you.

I was forced to go on this stupid camp since it was detention camp. One stupid fucking teacher and a bunch of other kids.

We sat around a little fire keeping warm in the middle of the woods. There were about three tents and once special one for the stupid teacher. We were roasting marshmallows while the teacher stirred some sort of weird stew.

Looking at what was in that pot I'd rather starve then actually eat that. I held my stick closer to the fire making sure I don't get burnt and have a nice and golden/burnt marshmallow.

The other two guys on detention were sent to go get more sticks in the woods while the girls were left setting up the tents and preparing food.

I didn't touch that food. Just chopped up whatever i was given and threw it in the pot hanging above the little fire. Not much later the food was done and everyone was eating.

I stared at the stew in disgust. Pretending to be eating while actually just throwing spoon after spoon next to me on the ground.

"Alright I want everyone on their tents and asleep in the next 10 minutes. We'll be up tomorrow morning early to scout the rest of the woods."

The teacher spoke and left to his tent. His was much bigger then our tents. We were two people in a one man tent.

Rolling my eyes I made my way to the tent and closed it behind me. The other girl I shared with was already fast asleep, again. I softly grabbed my bag and opened it, searching for my book and pen.

Grabbing it out of the bag I opened it and started writing in my daily journal.

Dear Diary
I haven't slept in over fucking 4 days. I get a maximum of maybe two to three hours of sleep. Its hella fucking cold and this stupid girl I'm sharing with is basically taking up the whole tent. The dude in the next tent snores so loud I though we were being attacked by a bear and this forest is creepy and annoying.

I wane go home. Ugh I miss my bed and proper food. I think I lost like a coupla pound not eating this shit.

Anyway I have nothing more to write. In just gone sit here in the darkness and wait for this nightmare to be over

Love Y/N

Sighing I closed my journal and put it awa in my pillow case.

After another restless night morning finally came. We didn't do much the day. Swam in some fucking river to get cleaned up. Some guy got a leach stuck to his ass. The rest of the day we just trudged deeper into the forest.

It was weird how quiet it was here. No birds no crickets, nothing. It was dead silence. And the trees were so dence, sunlight barely made it pass any of the trees.

After walking for what felt like forever we settled down again and started a fire. The nights in the forest were freezing cold. The boys were once again sent out to gather some sticks. We were just having plain cooked potatoes with some salt.

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