How you met

2 0 0

Jason The Toymaker

(This will be in first person pov)

I was strolling down the hill of a beautiful scenery. The sun glowing a  lustrous colour of bright orange and yellow with just a tint of pink. The grass a shade of kelly green. Children running around playing and laughter that could be heard from miles away.

Making my way down the little hill with a brown basket swinging in my hand and a red and white checkered blanket in the other, I made my way towards a large tree in the park.

Even the trees had a beautiful glow to them, the leaves were a fresh emerald green, swaying as a small breeze blew the little leaves. Not one single dead leave.

Rather odd as it was the middle of winter.

Throwing the blanket open on the grass under the tree and putting the basket in the shadow of the large tree. 

Soon after, hands wrapped around my waist and my feet left the ground. I chuckled as I was spun around and put down again gently. Turning towards my boyfriend I smiled

"I know it's been a rough couple days..."

He gazed into my eyes moving a strand of my hair behind my ear, cupping my face.

"But things are going to change now okay, I promise.. I changed.."

I knew those words all to well.... far from the truth yet wanting so bad to believe it was the truth.

Nodding my head with a small smile plastered on my face, I removed his hand from my face.

"Yeah I know... Let's just enjoy the day k"

His facial expression immediaty changed, I could tell he wasn't okay with what I said. He's aura was one of death and anger. Non the less we sat down on the little blanket and watched the children play around enjoying the sandwiches and juices from the basket.

"You know babe soon enough.."

He looked towards me placing a hand on my stomach

"You'll be carrying my children and I absolutely can't wait to be a father."

The idea of any child coming near him is a death wish.


Was all I could utter out. Nothing more wanted to leave my mouth, just the thought of baring his children makes me sick.

Putting the sandwich back in the little sandwich bag I placed it back in the basket.

The scenery was memorizing like from a Hollywood movie almost to perfect. It was oddly perfect. Looking around my face turned into one of pure confusion.

There are kids running around playing but not a single adult in sight.

'Did the parents leave their kids here...'

"I need to go to the bathroom I'll  be right back"

Standing up everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. Time felt like it slowed down and every movement  made was being watched.

My heart pounding in my ears as I rushed to the bathroom, long forgetting how to walk instead sprinting like a lion was on my case.

Yanking open the bathroom door I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. My breathing was ragged as I stared at myself in the shattered mirror trying to control my breathing.

After taking a while I managed to calm down and get my breathing back to normal. Placing both my hands on the bathroom sink I took a couple of deep breaths before something caught my eye.

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