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S̶̶a̶̶n̶̶s̶̶ POV

I kept glancing towards the door to my room and towards my phone to check the time, anxious. I was waiting for the phone to say 8:10 so I could go looking for a place I can train in, away from people so they wouldn't realize that I didn't know how to use magic. It took longer then I would like, I wanted to leave but I didn't wanna chance him coming back to grab something he forgot only to find me missing.

Each agonizing minute felt like hours, every second feeling like minutes. I watched my phone go from 7:55 to 8:00 and I already wanted to leave. Tic Tok... Tic Tok... Tic Tok... I heard a ticking in my head, I wasn't sure if it was because I was impatient or because I was going crazy but it was irritating. I decided to make sure everything I needed was in my inventory. Glaive, Glaive book, Bow, Bow book, book on magic.... Check, check, check, check and check.

After triple checking everything was in my inventory I checked my phone again, 8:03. I still had seven minutes to kill... I took a shower and changed into different clothes. A pair of grey shorts and a blue T-shirt. I also had on some combat boots and some gloves, as well as the blue scarf I found. Checking my phone once again it now read 8:09. I stared at my phone for what felt like hours but was really under a minute. The moment my phone went to 8:10 I was leaving the house, heading towards the woods I had spotted when Papyrus and I had to been Undyne and Alphy's.

I made my way to the forest only to come to a stop, why? Because Infront of me was a river, which was in my way. I frowned, how the hell do I get across the river? I can't exactly swim through it, skeletons aren't known to be swimmers and if I get drenched then Papyrus will know something is off. I couldn't afford to chance Papyrus knowing of my secret training sessions. Now that left the question, how would I get across the river?

I looked around and I didn't see a bridge or anything that could be used as one. That's when I spotted a tree that that if I climbed I could use it to jump to the other side of the river! But, then how would I get back across? I have not thought this through... Before I could figure out how I would get back to the other side I heard... Something? No, someone! I then saw someone on a boat humming a tune come by Infront of me before stopping.

"Hello young one, what seems to trouble you?" I got a better look at the person Infront of me, it was another skeleton! That's when I realized they asked me a question, "Oh Uh... I was trying to figure out a way to get to the other side of the river and back without getting wet..." The Skeleton let out a hum "Is that so? Well then, hop on young one, I'll bring you to the other side. What time do you plan to hop back across?" I stared at him in surprise, was he really offering to help me? "Do not look so surprised, it does not cost me a thing to help you across young one, now hop in won't you?" I glanced back before carefully getting into the boat.

"Thank you for this... And I plan on being back in a little over three hours.. why?" I stared at the kind stranger as he took me to the side of the river that contained the forest, "I shall come give you a ride back across when the time comes. We wouldn't want you to try something drastic to get across and somehow hurt yourself, now would we?" "I, guess not..." The rest of the short ride was in silence and once we reached the other side I got out and turned to thank them, only they were gone, strange....

I turned back to the forest and made my way into it, looking around curiously while also being careful since it could be dangerous. As I walked around I made sure I knew which way I came so I could make my way back when the time came. Still, the forest was peaceful and I couldn't help but relax as I walked through it, looking for a clearing. After some wondering I found one, it was a pretty nice spot and I hoped I didn't ruin it from training in it, but sometimes things happen.

I decided to start with the Glaive, as much as I know I need to do magic, if I'm to exhausted from magic use I won't be able to  do weapon training. Magic is also likely to be much more destructive then the Glaive or Bow training so I was saving that for last. So I took out the book to see what I needed to do and started on simple stances, mostly focusing on defense. I decided I would focus on defense first as it didn't matter if you can land hits if you're constantly getting hit in a fight.

After a little under an hour I decided to move onto the bow. I looked over the book I would know what I was doing before taking the bow out along with some arrows so I could practice my aim. I decided I wanted to focus on accuracy before I focused on power or the number of arrows I could shoot or how fast I could launch arrows. I would rather not hit someone I did not mean too, so that ment accuracy was what I needed to focus on.

Sooner then I would have liked an hour had passed, causing me to slightly frown. I found I rather liked the bow, however I needed to practice magic so back it went into the inventory with the arrows before taking out the book on magic. I skimmed it over and took a deep breath. This is what I was admittedly the most nervous for, magic could be destructive, dangerous, if not used properly and I really didn't want to mess it up.

I carefully, very carefully, read over the book. Apparently magic was all about 'intent' and that's why it was so dangerous. The intent of the person using the magic could either make the magic completely harmless or utterly deadly. So after reading over everything I put the book away and closed my eyes to focus on the feel of my magic. It was, warm. Magic was warm, it also seemed to follow what I wanted it to do so I put my hand Infront of me and focused on summoning my magic.

Moments later I felt something in front of my hand so I grabbed it and opened my eyes only to see a bone. However the bones was brimming with my magic... I used magic... I used magic. I USED MAGIC! I couldn't help the smile on my face, I did it! I used magic! It may have only been to summon a bone but I did it! I was one step closer to freedom!

Chapter 5~ hope you enjoyed!

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