Nex(a) POV

I left the room to go look for Papyrus since he probably knew what happen. Only he wasn't upstairs or on the first floor, did he go out? I don't see a note... I perked up a bit when I heard something from the basement, looks like I found him. I walked over to the basement and opened the door, knocking on it, "Papyrus you down there?" If that's not him then I don't know who it is.

"I'm busy Nexa, what is it?" Looks like I caught him at a bad time, oh well. I want answers, "What happened to the room while I was passed out? Also did you drug me? I remember eating and then suddenly I'm waking up in a toddler's bed." Seriously that was not normal.... "You think I would drug you? Why would I need to?" How about the fact that you're a controlling and abusive prick?

I saw Papyrus walking up the stairs however he seemed to be taller then before and looked down at me before snickering and letting out a small laugh, what the hell? Wait, back to the important things, "I don't know, but passing out after eating has never happened before. Now why the hell do you seem taller??" Literally what the fu- "Cause you're shorter." What. I blinked, "Seriously? How the hell...? Bodies don't shrink!" They can't- well not unless you're sick or really old...

Papyrus sounded just a bit to smug as he said, "Apparently you did." I ignored his tone, "Well, Shit." I was in shock, how much more was I gonna shrink? Hopefully not anymore, I was already tiny before shrinking and now I'm getting smaller.. God damn it! "If you keep shrinking I may need to get you new underwear." Okay, that was fucking creepy.

Ignoring his creepy ass comment I muttered about wanting to know why I'm shrinking... "My best guess, magic." I was confused, "Magic...?" What could magic have to do with this?? Spotting my confusion Papyrus explained, "A monster's body is mostly made of magic. Your soul is probably younger then you think, and your body is changing to match. Or that's what I'd guess seeing how young you already look."

That, could make sense I guess but, "How the hell can you tell age by looking?" I was literally bones and Ecto, so how the hell? All I got was a grin and Papyrus pointed me to a mirror. I hid a sigh but walked over to the mirror to look myself over since Papyrus was being useless, but also because I was so confused.

It was hard to tell but if I really tried I could tell that I did look younger from a month ago, almost like a teen or young adult instead of an actual adult. It was weirder the longer I looked at myself, "I do look younger, though it's hard to tell..." Seriously, I'm all bones... Well, bones and Ecto but till... "Hard for you at least." Was Papyrus's response.

For some reason, that ticked me off and I decided to be a sassy little shit, "Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't been a Skeleton my entire Life!" I really shouldn't get snappy but it was so hard to hold back my tongue when I could finally stop pretending to be someone I'm not, and even that wasn't true! I had to pretend to be female, when I'm male!

"What was that LITTLE sister?" I ignored the tone of voice, "I'm not li-...." Wait, my body is small... "Don't call me little!" Much better. "Also, for your information I said Sorry I haven't been a skeleton my whole damn life. So it's not my fault I find it hard to tell." That, seemed to be the wrong thing to say though as Papyrus reached down and before I knew it I was being held by my hair causing me to yelp, "It's cute you can be so snappy while so small." Asshole, let go!

I all but yelled at Papyrus to put me down, only for him to go, "Going to be snippy little sister?" I decided fuck it and un-summoned my Ecto, I wasn't dealing with this. Thankfully I managed to land on my feet but the phantom pain was still there... It hurt like a bitch. "Fuck that hurt..." Bastard can leave my hair alone.

That's when I noticed Papyrus's anger, shit. Before I really knew it, Papyrus had locked me in my now princess throw-up room. I heard Papyrus mention me staying in here for a few days before hearing him storming off, probably pissed off. I snorted and rolled my eyes, seriously? He thinks this is a punishment? I was free from Papyrus and still had everything I want on me, dumbass.

I sat on the pink monstrosity that barely passed as a bed and began to read all the books I had shoved into my inventory. It was peaceful, and stress free not having to worry about a think. That was, untill all the water from yesterday morning decided to make itself known despite my Ecto not being summoned... Shit.

I shifted a bit before getting up and trying to leave, only for it to be locked. I assumed Papyrus was bluffing but apparently not, I then started to bang on the door and eventually trying to destroy the door which of course didn't happen. I was starting to panic, I was trapped in a room with no way out for who knows how long? I didn't trust Papyrus to keep his word of only a few days.

Then, out of nowhere I heard a low voice speak out, "Desperation, Anger, Fear, Worry, Panic, and Embarrassment, such a lovely combination of emotions..."I turned around in shock, trying to see who was in my room, and demanding to know who was there. How the hell did someone get in here? Only, I didn't see anyone...

"I am no one, at least I do not have a name. So, little skeleton, why so desperate?" The voice sounded curious, but also amused. I wondered if I could trust them, however I also wondered why I was even considering telling them.... I mean, it's not like anything worse can happen, right? "Papyrus locked me in here and I can't get out..." It sucked and I needed out...

"That's all? Why not pick the lock? Or use the window to escape?" I bit back a sigh, "I don't know how to pick a lock, 'at least, I don't think I do...' and I don't wanna accidentally get caught... Papyrus isn't... He's not the best. Besides I wouldn't be surprised if he somehow escape proofed the window." He would be petty like that, I have no doubt.

"I see, why not just leave then?" The voice seemed genuinely curious and I just, kinda collapsed a bit. "I can't, he's stronger then I am and he can manipulate people in the underground to believe anything he says! Even if they don't he's probably the strongest person in the underground! I can't fight back, and death wouldn't even be an option either because something called a reset exists!" I had tears in my sockets.

I didn't realize just how bad the situation was before. I wanted to leave, to escape from the asshole, but realistically? I may never be able too. I wanted freedom! "I see, want to make a deal? I can help you out, in exchange I get to use your body as my own every so often." I blinked a bit, "Help me out....?" What could that mean...?

The voice seemed, eager, to tell me more information... "With you're revenge, out of the room... Whatever you need help with. I'll give you abilities you could only dream of, however you'll have to figure out what they are on your own." That, sounded too good to be true. However the more I thought about it, the more I realized it may be my only chance of possible freedom. I accepted the deal, and I could almost hear the glee as the voice spoke, "Then we have an agreement." There was a pause, before I was in immense pain, and then... Darkness..
Here is chapter 9! Hope you enjoy it!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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