Brethren -10000 some history of the Brethren

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Brethren -10000 some history of the Brethren

About 10,000 years ago the Brethren came here to the land of the Brethren. They were the survivors of a global thermonuclear war. They had healed their entire planet and then they came here to The Land of the Brethren. They had so poured themselves into their healing of their planet that what remained of them was a subatomic particle. And so they built a bunker. They could live with the local wildlife and then the first man came. Man was a creature quite like what they had been a long time ago and by joining with men and women the Brethren could live vicariously. It took some adjustment and training for them to do this. But once they had made the effort. The People of the Brethren became known as the tribe that you did not want to mess with. They were very peaceful people.

General Jackson received orders from the United States government to resettle the tribes in the area. During the course of this action he came to be in command of about 50,000 men give or take. When it was finally down to the people of the Brethren and General Jackson's forces the people of the Brethren were reduced to about 5000 women and children.

At midnight for the next five nights is the army would find themselves asleep and when they woke up they had red lines painted on their necks. And still the army closed in. At noon the following day the army woke up. What was on their necks? The surgeons stated that it was gangrene.

An Indian woman walked into camp no one even tried to stop the Indian woman. However many people looked like they wanted to. And the peace treaty was agreed to. No official records of that week survive other than the treaty. Diaries had pages ripped out of them the only thing the men remember is that they will die if they ever come near the place. And then a Mr Tanner bought all the land from the tribe and started buying land around it. A Mr Goldman started investing the tribes money. And everyone assumed that the people of the Brethren had just disappeared.

10 years later President Jackson submitted the treaty before the senate for approval. They were categorically opposed to the treaty. But the next day 40 out of the 48 of them signed it personally and voted for it. Knowing that you are going to be dead in 48 hours if you do not sign it was sufficient motivation to overcome all their objections. Needless to say they did not want this to be known. Although they were all notoriously corrupt. The Bureau of Indian Affairs was told by the President to see to it that the treaty was totally enforced.

The tribe secretly served many presidents and was highly involved in preventing Hitler from developing nuclear weapons. According to an executive order signed by FDR there would be no restrictions placed placed upon the tribe selling health foods. But because FDR so betrayed the trust of the Brethren the Brethren retreated to their bunker and ceased to help the tribe. This was to have disastrous results for the Brethren, few Brethren were to survive.

The few Brethren who survived the plagues were scattered around the area. Jersey Carolina's sister would supply them with a calling.

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