━━━━━ chapter six━━━━━ IN NO WAY was Violet supposed to be joining the council meeting Dionysus called to discuss the prophecy, but she had to know what was going on. The Oracle had never hand-delivered a prophecy, she's never done that before.
Nico wanted to know, too. AJ didn't seem to care either way. Apparently, he had more 'important' things to deal with.
Violet stood next to the door to Cabin Eleven after Connor and Travis had already left. Nico was pulling on one of his shoes and AJ was reading a book in Ancient Greek.
"You sure you don't want to know?" the daughter of Eros asked.
AJ waved his hand, not even bothering to look over at her. "You'll tell me all about it. Just don't get caught listening in."
Violet gave him a mock salute. "I won't."
She grabbed Nico by the arm and pulled him outside, slamming the door to Cabin Eleven shut behind her. They made their way through the snowy ground, heading toward the Big House.
"We can't make any noise, Nico," advised Violet. "Otherwise, Mr. D'll probably suggest we get skinned alive. Or—just make us wash dishes. Depends on how bad of a mood he's in."
"Yeah, yeah." Nico waved his hand dismissively. "I'm great at sneaking around!"
She ushered Nico inside the Big House, hissing at him to stay quiet. She went in the direction of where they held the council meetings, hearing a bunch of talking coming from that end of the house. The council was held around a ping-pong table in the rec room. Dionysus waved his hand and a bunch of snacks appeared on the table: Cheez-Whiz, crackers, and several bottles of red wine. Chiron reminded Mr. D about his restriction and the wine changed into Diet Coke.
There were fourteen, maybe fifteen, campers in there. Castor and Pollux Winward, sons of Dionysus ( and actual twins, unlike Connor and Travis ), Silena, Beckendorf, the Stoll brothers, Percy, Lee Flecther from the Apollo Cabin, and Malcolm, Annabeth's brother. There were supposed to be representatives from the Ares Cabin by all of them had gotten a broken limb during the game. Zoë and Bianca seemed to be representing the Hunters. Chiron ( in wheelchair form ) and Dionysus were there, too.
Violet looked back at Nico, who frowned at the back of his sister's head. The young kid was unable to admit it, and he pretended that he now disliked her, but he missed Bianca something terrible.
Zoë started the meeting off on a positive note: "This is pointless."
"Cheez-Whiz!" Grover gasped.
"There is no time for talk," Zoë continued, ignoring the satyr. "Our goddess needs us. The Hunters must leave immediately."
"And go where?" Chiron asked.
"West!" Bianca said. Violet marveled at the changes Bianca had over a couple of days; the girl was no longer trying to hide behind her hair anymore. She seemed comfortable in her own skin for once. If Violet didn't feel so bad for Nico, she'd feel happy for Bianca. "You heard the prophecy. Six shall go west to the goddess in chains. We can get six hunters and go."
Nico tugged at Violet's sleeve, his eyes wide with worry. "Bianca can not go, Vi!"
Violet looked at the boy sadly. "I ..." She trailed off. How was she supposed to tell him that there was nothing they could do?

¹ON THIS SPRING DAY. p. jackson
FanfictionOn this spring day, tell me you love me. Otherwise, it'll be gone in the cold, winter winds. ━━━ Percy Jackson & the Olympians FEM!OC / Percy Jackson MALE!OC / Anna...