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━━━━━ chapter seven

━━━━━ THE HOUSE WAS homey enough, the only thing that made Violet hate the place was the fact Geryon and Eurytion tied them up the minute they entered. Bounded by the wrists and ankles, she, Nico, Grover, Annabeth, and Tyson were tied together by rope and tossed into the corner. It truly was uncomfortable, and not an experience she would recommend to any.

               The five of them had been tossed into the corner, tied up like rodeo animals, and watched helplessly as Geryon started grilling. Geryon had ordered Eurytion to gag the captive, but the son of Ares had gotten a bit lazy.

               After tying them all up and tossing them in a corner, he sat down, picking at his nails with his knife. It would've been wise to not speak at all, hoping Geryon didn't realize Eurtyion had slack off, but Violet couldn't help herself.

               "What kind son of Ares sides with a monster?"

               Eurytion glanced at her in a tired manner. "A son of Ares like me."

               "I don't think Ares would like that very much," she replied. "Wouldn't he want you to, you know, pulverize him?"

               Eurytion snorted. "There's a lot for you to learn, Daughter of Eros. Tell medo you blindly do what you think your father would want you to do?"

               "Well ..." She shifted, picking at the ropes around her wrists. "Well, no."

               Violet's father had told her a lot of things last winter, many of which she chose to ignore. Most were mildly embarrassing ( imagine talking about your love life with your father, even if he was the God of Love! ), but some made her skin prickle. Going on quests to prove herself; recognition for a daughter of a minor god; and Dahlia.

               As much as she outwardly denied it, a lot of the reasons she went on the quest last year was to prove that children of minor gods were just as capable as children of the twelve Olympians. Never onceas far as Violet was awarehad a child of a minor god gone on such an important quest. And sure, she had proved herself capable as a child of Eros, but that quest also unveiled a lot of secrets and questions she hadn't known she was looking for.

               And sure, now people didn't overlook her as much. But she wasn't exactly sure anymore if that was a good thing.

               And Dahliawell, a lot had changed. For better, and for worse. For better; at least Violet and Dahlia were talking. For worse; they were both keeping secrets from one another, and they both knew the other was keeping secrets.

               However, perhaps secrets were something the Beaumonts were wonderful at.

               Violet shook her head. "Okay, sure, maybe I don't do everything Eros wants me to, but that doesn't mean I'm going to spite him and fight for a monster."

               Eurytion shrugged, lounging in his chair, petting his two-headed dog at his feet. The daughter of Eros gritted her teeth.

               "You could at least pretend to give a shit about what I'm saying." She rolled her eyes.

               "Keep talking and I'll listen to Geryon and gag you all."

               Annabeth sent Violet a warning look. "SirMr. Eurytionwhateverwhy do you stay here and deal with Geryon? He's not very kind to you. He bosses you around."

¹ON THIS SPRING DAY.               p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now