How the abscence of someone else feels like abscence of myself!

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Writers pov: umm so here's some explanation: Ik many people didn't read my stuff but there were some comments that said I should update and I really do want to see myself where this story and the characters will go. I just got into med school so I don't think I'll have much time but but late than never. Here's another part.
Jensens pov;
I was excited to say the least. Me and Danneel were about to get engaged, but then the misunderstanding found their way into our relationship. But you know as they say : "distance makes the heart grow fonder."
Plus Ellen did help talking sense into my brain. Girls are right when they say that guys can be clueless at times. I know me and danneel arnt perfect right now but that is secondary. Us agreeing to sit and talk and fix what we once had is what means everything to me. But I have this unsettling feeling. I ignore it and continue walking past the strangers I see at the airport, trying to find my gate, moving in an aroma of coffee. Supernatural has made me travel a lot and honestly I have gotten the hang of flying now. I find my gate and board.
Ellen's pov:
I think bout how much of a coward I am. And I hate myself for it but kinda love myself too. If I had told Jensen the truth, I would have burdenizsed him with a lot of information that I too received just a couple of days ago. I lie and think about the feeling of nothingness in my heart. I feel so old at such a young age. I still cannot fight my own battles but would gladly do it for someone else. I cannot be so selfish to Jensen but I cannot be this selfless either. The universe gave me one chance, all my birthday wishes that I have slip past because of my stupidity. I wanna stay in the bed for the rest of my days now.
But I let my thoughts wander free cuz it's easier this way. Will he remember me? Or was I just another stranger he met in a town he went to because we all know how much he travels for his show.
Will he remember me in good words or will his heart grow fonder. Because distance does make the heart grow fonder.
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It has been many years now. I am 20 now and jensen must be 48 now.
I still wonder if he remembers our encounter. He doesn't but I still wonder.
Distance just makes the heart grow fonder...
Or does it makes you invading the holes once filled with memories of joy and you write it all down after saying goodbye or watch as it all fade away with time? Fade till the faintest drop of red remains. A mere reminder something used to creep and reside here. Something that has been long gone now
A faint hope of seeing the black holes in place of where my memories used to stay in his mind to be filled with new ones.
I hope yet I say hope is for suckers.
Nothing is the same except the thoughts of mine that still run around him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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