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8 years ago

It was a quiet night on the small island of Patch, and a certain red-caped girl had just finished celebrating her 7th birthday as her uncle carried her to bed.  However, Ruby was still awake and energetic for more activities.

"Come on Uncle Qrow! I can't go to bed yet!" Ruby begged dramatically as she bounced on her bed.

"I know, but it's getting late pipsqueak; plus, you and your sister have school tomorrow."  Qrow stated as he settled Ruby down on her bed.

"Aww."  Ruby pouted in disappointment as Yang climbed into her own bed next to Ruby's.

"Have a good night kiddo, you too firecracker."  Qrow said with a gentle smile before turning off the lights and closing the door.

Ruby laid in her bed for a moment, moving around to find a comfortable position, but unable to sleep.  She then looked over to her sister's bed where she was about to catch some Z's when Ruby softly asked, 

"Yang... can you read me a bedtime story?"  

At first Yang was hesitant because she was tired and groggy, but seeing as it's her little sister's birthday and showing those silver puppy eyes, Yang couldn't refuse.

"Sure thing Sis."

"Yay!"  Ruby replied cheerfully.

Yang then got out of her bed and walked over to a bookshelf by the door where she began examining the different books, to find one she hasn't read to Ruby before.  "Hmmm, Caped Crusader, the Right Knight, Great Dragon, ugh we've read all of these."  Yang said, unsatisfied with her results.  But as she began to walk towards Ruby's bed preparing to improvise a short story of her own, she suddenly tripped and fell on her face.


"Yang! Are you okay?" Ruby asked with worry, seeing her sister suddenly fall like that.

Yang held her nose in pain as she slowly sat up on the floor.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Yang replied.

She looked down to see what tripped her and noticed one of the floorboards was a little loose.  Seeing this as a problem she didn't want Ruby to deal with in the future, she moved to adjust it when a slight glimmer under the board caught her eye.  Curious to know what it was, she lifted the floorboard out of place and noticed a small compartment in their floor with a small book inside.

"What's this?" Yang said curiously.

She picked up the book which had a blue hardcover with silver metal corners.  As she dusted it off, she opened it, reading the title on the first page: 

"'Sentinels of the Starry Skies'.  Huh, this will do."  Yang said as she was eager and curious to know its contents.  She tried finding out who's the author, but it wasn't labeled on any of the pages.  Shrugging it off, she readjusted the floorboard and sat down in a chair next to Ruby to begin the story.

"What's that?"  Ruby asked curiously.

"I don't know, I found it in the floor."  Yang replied.

With that, Yang opened the book, and began to read it to Ruby:

"Once upon a time, the world of Remnant was born when the Almighty blessed the surface with humans and faunus to test the experiment of life.  The people of Remnant learned to survive and build civilizations, but as time went on, they began to question their purpose in the world, and engaged in conflicts with each other over who's beliefs were right.  The Almighty watched his world patiently, hoping that his children would settle their differences and continue on with life... but they didn't."

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