Chapter 2: The Fall

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As the sun began to rise over Angel Falls, Team RWBY still slumbered peacefully within the confines of Erinn's Inn. The enveloping mountains cast gentle shadows, granting them a brief reprieve to linger in the realm of dreams. Yet, amidst this peaceful slumber, a lone raven-haired huntress had already risen, indulging in a hearty breakfast within the cozy confines of the Inn's diner.

Erinn's Inn, a charming two-story cottage, harbored three bedrooms on the upper level. The lower floor, in turn, was artfully partitioned into three distinct spaces. Positioned at the back right corner was a small office, while the front half of the ground floor served dual purposes as both a living room and a lobby for the inn's esteemed guests. Meanwhile, nestled in the back left corner was the diner—a welcoming space where a small kitchen and a meticulously set table awaited the guests' delight.

Within this charming diner sat Blake Belladonna, savoring a Lox and Bagel with a glass of orange juice, personally provided by Erinn herself, who diligently attended to her culinary duties behind the kitchen counter.

Within this charming diner sat Blake Belladonna, savoring a Lox and Bagel with a glass of orange juice, personally provided by Erinn herself, who diligently attended to her culinary duties behind the kitchen counter

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"This breakfast is delicious, Erinn. It's like nothing I've ever had in Vale." Blake complimented as she continued eating her meal.

"Thanks Blake. Our local farmer and fisherman always provide the freshest of ingredients for these meals." Erinn replied. "So, what are you and your team planning on doing while you stay here?"

"Well, my original plan was to find a nice, quiet spot to read my book, but unfortunately, our leader has... other plans." Blake said, just as a red blur rushed down the stairs and into the diner, sending rose petals all over the place.

"ADVENTURE TIME!!!!!!" Ruby Rose squealed in excitement, her hands in the air. Meanwhile, Blake sat there with a deadpan expression, blowing a petal off the top of her head.

"Oh, sorry Blake." She said with an awkward smile, noticing the mess she made.

"Don't mention it..." Blake said unenthusiastically, as she brushed away the remaining petals.

As Ruby took her seat, two more voices could be heard descending the stairs.

"Ow, ow, ow." bump "Hey watch it!"

"Hey, Weiss, don't worry about those blisters. Consider it a 'sole'ution to reaching new heights in fashion discomfort."

"Yang Xiao-Long, keep it up and I will freeze you in the shower!" Weiss said grumpily as the two enter the diner, with Weiss being carried in Yang's arms, bridal style.

Ruby gasped, "Weiss! Are you okay?!"

"What does it look like, dolt?! My feet are covered in blisters!" Weiss snapped back, clearly agitated.

Yang plopped Weiss down in a chair as Erinn approached with their meals, placing them on the table.

Yang received a traditional breakfast of scrambled eggs with a side of bacon and potatoes, as well as a glass of orange juice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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