Chapter 1: The Disciple

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The sky shined brightly, its expanse adorned with clouds that concealed the heavens until a small figure caught the eye, soaring in the distance.  Possessing a human-like form with angelic wings and a halo, this being ascended rapidly, shooting up into the vertical expanse before gracefully folding its wings and stalling mid-air.  In this brief moment, the figure revealed itself as a girl with short pink hair, porcelain skin, and arms extended outward in a relaxed manner.  With closed eyes, she executed a backwards flip, initiating a swift descent.  Gathering momentum, she pierced through the clouds, swiftly traversing the celestial expanse until the angelic temple, known as the Observatory, came into view.

Gliding above the Observatory using her wings, the girl gazed downward, capturing a bird's-eye view of the sacred tree known as Yggdrasil.  She stared in awe as the tree began to sparkle and emit a radiant glow, seemingly acknowledging her presence.  However, an unexpected gust of wind suddenly disrupted her course.

"Woah!" She yelled in slight panic as she nearly lost her balance in the wind.  But after regaining her composure, she utilized the wind to accelerate, propelling herself far enough to break through the clouds and reveal the clear sky.

The girl gazed in awe at the breathtaking atmosphere above her as the sun descended beyond the horizon.  Experiencing the splendor of nature brought her a profound sense of peace and harmony.  But suddenly, she caught a faint sound of a train whistle and began scanning her surroundings to locate its source.  As she turned over and started soaring on her back, she beheld it: a beam of light zooming above her with a resounding whistle.  While those on the ground might mistake this object for a shooting star, the girl, up close, recognized its true nature:

"The Starflight Express..." She said in awe, as it passed above her and towards the horizon.

The girl gazed in the direction of the mystical train's path, lost in thoughts of what it would be like to embark on such a celestial wonder

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The girl gazed in the direction of the mystical train's path, lost in thoughts of what it would be like to embark on such a celestial wonder.  However, as the moment passed, she glanced up at the fragmented moon in the sky and realized how late it had become.

"Uh oh!" She exclaimed with worry before diving back through the clouds toward the Observatory.

The distant sound of church bells echoed as the young Celestrian glided past the Observatory, unfurling her wings to slow her descent.  She gracefully circled the Observatory, admiring the splendid view of Yggdrasil, before descending to the temple grounds.  Approaching a platform, she hovered just above the surface, gently landing her feet on the ground.

Due to the late hour, there were no other Celestrians present to notice her arrival.  Seizing this opportunity, the girl quietly made her way into the temple, heading towards her chambers.  The corridors showcased stone walls adorned with books, angelic statues, and torches, providing ample illumination within.  At this hour, few Celestrians were awake, with the younger disciples likely asleep while their masters patrolled the starry skies in the world below.

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