Part One

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THAT NIGHT Elizabeth was working at the hospital as she usually did most nights. She looked at her watch, he would be there quarter after midnight like he always was. She looked down at her watch again. She looked up and saw him walk into the room with his Gladstone bag. Dressed in blue scrubs and a lab coat with a name that read, 'Dr. Doe'. A mask and dark sunglasses covered his pale complexion. She crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair only to watch him stand there in complete silence. He reached into his bag and pulled out a wad of cash in exchange for what he wanted. She brought herself to her feet and walked over to the fridge and took out several bags of blood. He opened his bag and watched as she placed them inside it. He closed it, about to walk off when he heard her clear her throat. He turned his head and glanced at her through his tinted sunglasses.

"I know we don't usually talk during these exchanges but what is it for? Black market? Or are you a doctor that got his license taken away? Or are you practising illegal medicine in his basement?" She asked, she walked back over to her chair and sat down but when she looked back at him, he was gone.

Elizabeth grabbed her sweater and her purse. Rushing out of the room to see him turn the corner and walk toward the elevators.

"I thought you were off Libby?" A nurse called to her.

"Forgot my sweater Suzie Q, have a goodnight!" She called back to her.

"Have a good weekend..." She said.

Elizabeth watched as the numbers dwindled, he was going to the underground parkade. She rushed toward the fire escape and dashed down the stairs as fast as her legs could carry her. Glancing through the windowpane in the door to see him walk toward his car and get inside. He took off his mask and tossed it into the seat next to him, then pulled out of the parking spot and drove off. She rushed toward her car which was only parked a few cars down, she got into her car and drove after him. She would follow him but made sure to keep her distance. Elizabeth had managed to follow him to an abandoned part of town. Where deserted and boarded-up houses lined the streets. 'Nobody could live here', she thought. She parked nearby to see him park his car in a grass field next to what looked like an old Victorian home. It was the only house that wasn't covered in graffiti. No boards covering the windows. The curtains closed, but through a small crack, you could see light. Knowing that someone or something was living inside. From the outside, it looked like a place for junkies. Elizabeth watched as he walked up to the front door and opened it, closing the door behind him. She pulled her keys out of the ignition and grabbed her purse before she walked up to the front door. She had never known what she was going to say to him. A part of her worried there might be something more sinister going on. Then she heard the music begin to emanate from beyond the door. Elizabeth made her way around to the back of the house, the lights were on, how did he get power to this place? She cringed when she heard a branch snap beneath her foot. The music had come to an abrupt stop only for the man to whip open the back door. The backlight had turned on there she was, like a dear in the headlights, caught red-handed. He grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her into the house before slamming the door behind her. Dragging her down the hallway, and pushing her down onto the couch. "What had she gotten herself into?" She thought to herself. For all, she knew this man could be a psychotic killer.

"What do you need all that blood for?" She asked.

"It's none of your business," He said.

"Well you have to keep it cold, or it will expire so...", she pulled herself to her feet. She walked over to his fridge and opened it to see nothing but bags of blood. From smoothies to congealed blood. She closed the fridge door and turned to look at the man standing before her.

"You... You consume the blood I give you?" She asked.

"What would make you come to that assumption?" He asked, pulling his scrub cap off his head, he knew this day was going to come. Usually, when those had found out of his intentions, they needed to disappear.

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