Part Two

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A WEEK LATER Elizabeth was sitting in her car outside Marlowe's house. Contemplating on whether she was going to walk up to his door. She glanced over at his bag that was sitting on the passenger seat. She glanced at the time; she was almost ten minutes late. Have I been sitting in the car for that long? She thought to herself. She grabbed his bag and got out of her car, then walked up to his door. She didn't know what she was going to say to him. Elizabeth pressed the doorbell only to shake her head and swear under her breath. Marlowe opened the door. Once he realized it was her, he invited her in. She closed the door and followed him. Elizabeth watched as Marlowe walked down the hallway and into another room. She looked at the violin that was sitting nearby, she set his bag down on the couch. Picking up the violin. Holding it in her hands as she admired the woodwork. It was an original Antonio Stradivari violin. She picked up the bow and lay it on the strings, she had always dreamed of holding such a beloved instrument. Elizabeth set the violin back down only to turn and see Marlowe standing in the doorway. He narrowed his eyes, he took extreme care of his beloved instruments.

"I'm sorry but I'm a little short this week, I'll make up for it next week," Marlowe told her.

He handed the cash to her. He picked up the bag and walk over to the fridge and began placing each bag of blood into the fridge. Elizabeth didn't want to be rude. She needed that extra hundred dollars, or her landlord would have her ass on a silver platter. She had already been late on rent for the past few months, and this would get her kicked out.

"I need that hundred bucks, Marlowe, we made a deal," Libby said.

"Your landlord won't kick you out... He's overcharging you for that shit hole anyways, meatbags don't think sometimes..." Marlowe grumbled, under his breath. Only to realize there was something missing from the bag. "I asked for O Negative..." He pointed out.

"How do you know I'm late on rent?" She asked, "I have other shit to worry about you know" She added. "Give me that hundred dollars and I'll bring it to you, I want it by tomorrow...", Libby paused and looked at him in confusion.

"The undead have heightened senses, we often were gloves because we don't like touching things humans have... They leave their essence on everything and leaves you feeling dirty..." Marlow mumbled. He closed the refrigerator door and walked up to her; his presence towered over her.

"What do you even do for a living?" She asked.

"I make music..." He answered.

"Are you one of those online influencers?" Libby asked. She looked around her surroundings. Everything in his home looked old and dated. "Forget I asked that... So, you sell your music to make money..." She said. "And you use that money to pay me to supply yourself with something to eat... Because if you don't eat, you'll die... But how can you die if you're already dead?" She spewed out.

"Meatbags ask so many questions..." Marlowe grumbled.

"Let me play the violin for an hour," Libby blurted.

Marlowe looked at her then looked at the violin laying on his couch. "You're not touching it, it's an original... It's worth a lot more than your life, I wouldn't dare let you touch it," He said. Picking up the violin and setting it down on its stand.

"It's that or you find someone else to get you blood for your sick habit," She told him.

"Well, you better think of something else" Marlowe growled through clenched teeth.

"Half an hour..." Libby argued.

"Absolutely not!" He growled.

"Fifteen minutes and fifty bucks next week on top of what you'll owe me," Libby told him. "I wouldn't even give you ten minutes... You juice boxes wouldn't know how to play an instrument such as that and I'm not letting you touch it!" Marlowe shouted.

"Five minutes then! I played the violin for years... I've dreamed of playing such a fine instrument, the craftsmanship, the sound... I want to play it..." Libby pleaded. "I'll wash my hands before and afterwards... I would wear gloves, but it would affect the sound and my placement of fingers on the strings..." She said.

Marlowe couldn't believe he was considering this. Letting a human touch one of his fine instruments. He walked up to the violin and held it out to her. Libby looked at him in shock and smiled as she took the violin into her hands. She picked up the bow and was about to rest it against the strings when she saw Marlowe staring at her with anger in his eyes.

"How do you expect me to play when you're staring at me with those dagger eyes, turn around or something..." Libby mumbled.

Marlowe refused to move, nor remove his gaze from her. He would kill her without hesitating if anything were to happen to his violin. Elizabeth closed her eyes and relaxed her shoulders. She placed the bow against the strings and began to sway from side to side as she played. The sound of the music, the beautiful tone that emanated from such an instrument made her weak in the knees. Libby gasped when she felt Marlowe grab hold of her wrist, she opened her eyes to see his harsh gaze soften. For once in many years, had a human left him speechless, taken back by the sound. It was like a spell and it had bewitched him completely.

Libby looked at him concerned. She thought she hadn't sounded that bad, "I have to admit I'm a little rusty... It's been ten years or so" She pointed out.

Marlowe covered her mouth but when he touched her, he caught a glimpse of her death. He backed away and shook his head as images of her lying in his embrace dead flashed before his eyes. His mouth dripped blood as he mourned over her dead body.

Marlowe grabbed the violin from her and set it down on the stand, "Get out..." He demanded. "That was less than five minutes, three at the most!" Libby protested.

"Get out!" Marlowe shouted. Only to flash his fangs in her face, he grabbed her by her arm and tossed her out the front door along with her purse.

Elizabeth had scratched her cheek on the concrete as she slid across the pavement. She managed to pull herself to her feet only to see Marlowe slam the door. Elizabeth gathered everything that had fallen out of her purse. Making her way back to the car. She swore under her breath and inserted her keys into the ignition and drove off. Beginning to make her way back home. She couldn't get that image out of her head, Marlowe flashing his fangs right before her eyes. They had to be fake, right? What human being in their right mind would consume the blood of another human being?

28.02.2023: For some reason, I'm just not liking this title. I never really liked it from the beginning but if you have any recommendations. I'd be happy to hear them in the comments. Thank you all so much for reading my stories. I will post part 3 tomorrow :D
~ E.V. Browne

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