Part Four

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TWO WEEKS LATER Elizabeth was sitting at work, typing in the last few numbers for the night. Making sure to log what they had stored in the blood bank. She typed in the very last numbers and saved the spreadsheet before turning the computer off. She swivelled around in her chair and to her surprise, she saw a doctor standing in front of her. A mask covering his face, wearing gloves and all. It was Marlowe underneath those black sunglasses. Elizabeth sighed and took his bag from him and began filling it up with blood bags. In exchange, he gave her a wad of cash. She sat back down and began counting the bills only to discover he had overpaid her, which was unusual.

"There's an extra hundred here..." Libby uttered, she turned to look at him only to discover he was already gone. "Keep it together Libby... You're just craving affection, from the undead and that's not right... So think about something else..." She attempted to remind herself.

Elizabeth slipped on her sweater and made her way toward the elevators.

"Goodnight Libby!" A familiar voice called out to her, but Elizabeth ignored her.

She walked into the elevator and watched the doors close, she looked down at her watch to see that it was 2 am. She felt as though no amount of sleep would cure her tiredness. The lingering depression that she felt as though would never end. Why did she miss his voice? That deep husky voice that was so soft-spoken, he had charmed her with his every word. She shook that thought from her head and looked up at the numbers above the elevator doors. As soon as the doors opened, she stepped out and walked toward her car. Elizabeth opened her glove compartment and tossed the wad of cash into it. Only to see her gun hidden in the very back. It was her father's gun; she had never bothered to put it away after he had passed. She took the gun into her hands and looked into the chamber, there was only one bullet inside. She closed the chamber and placed the revolver in her mouth. Placing her finger over the trigger she pulled it. Only for it to click, she was about to pull the trigger again when she heard her rear door open. Marlowe sat in the back seat and grabbed the revolver from her.

"I've seen you put that gun in your mouth four times this week, one of these days you're going to get a bullet in your head," He said.

"You've been stalking me?" Libby asked, she glanced up at her rear-view mirror but saw no reflection, only herself in the mirror.

"I've been keeping an eye on you... Stalking is a whole other level believe me..." He said. "Friends don't let friends kill each other, we made a promise..." Marlowe said. "Which means, you are on suicide watch my dear," He said.

Elizabeth turned and looked at him in disbelief, "I thought you wanted nothing to do with me?" She asked.

"I thought friends didn't abandon each other..." Marlowe told her.

"Are you the friendship whisperer?" Libby asked.

"I've had a lot more relationships in my time than you have in your entire life..." He said, climbing into the passenger seat.

"That's a load of bullshit," She told him.

"Alright... I've only had a few friends here and there... Okay, I didn't have any friends... But that is beside the point" Marlowe sighed. "Drive back to my place, I'm watching you for the next few days" He insisted.

Elizabeth had been completely caught off guard. She pulled her keys out of her purse and inserted them into the ignition and started the car. She pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. Driving toward the nearest fast-food drive-thru she could find. She hadn't had time to eat during her shifts. Usually and it meant she would have to eat whatever crappy food was closest. Marlowe couldn't help but stare at her with judging eyes. The drive-thru attendant a paper bag with god only knows what inside. She reached into the bag and stuffed some french fries into her mouth only to look over at him and smile. Waving a french fry in his face.

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