Chapter 10

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You in the moonlight

With your sleepy eyes

Riley was home alone when the telephone started ringing. It was a wall mounted unit, placed on the kitchen wall. Her parents were out on a date, which was a new thing. It only started when Riley went to college and they tried to keep up the habit. They needed time to unwind and talk about their day or week.

There was a jar of cookies on the island and Riley was leaning her back against it as she took a bite. So when the phone rang, it startled her so much she almost dropped it on the floor. Riley set the cookie on the kitchen island and walked over to the phone and picked the receiver of the hook.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hello, is this Riley Williams?" It was the voice of a woman, Riley was confused. It didn't sound like Robin or Nancy or anyone else that she was familiar with. After confusion, came anxiety, she was worried it was someone telling her that someone got injured or something.

"Hi, this is Amanda with Hawkins realty." Riley's heart started pounding for a good reason, Hawkins realty owned the apartment above the antique shop. It was only a couple of days since she and Eddie dropped off their application. She didn't think she would hear from them so fast. "I just wanted to let you know that we received your application and you and Eddie were approved for the apartment on Main Street."

Riley was suddenly so excited, she was a little afraid of getting denied because they technically didn't have a rental history. Her trailer was under her parent's name because they knew that they would get approved, no doubt. But when they did a tour, the representative said it was good for a first time apartment.

"Would you and Eddie be able to come by this afternoon to sign a lease?" Amanda asked.

"Yes, of course." Riley answered.

"Alright, we'll see you later on today."

When Riley hung up with Hawkins reality, she immediately dialed her phone number for her trailer. She had absolutely no idea Eddie's work schedule. Just where he worked. But there was always a chance that he was out and about too. The phone continued to ring and ring and there wasn't an answer. There was a cabinet below the phone where the phonebook was kept. She opened the drawer and pulled out the big yellow phonebook. Riley licked her finger and began flipping the pages, looking for the page with the Hawkins mechanic.

Riley found the page and set it open on the cabinet. She dialed the phone number and held the receiver to her face. It rang two times.

"Hawkins Mechanic, you reached Dale." Over Dale's gruff voice, Riley could hear Master of Puppets and automatically knew Eddie chose the music. She could also hear clunking in the background as people worked on cars.

Riley cleared her throat. "Hi Dale, is Eddie Munson there?"

"He sure is, one second." Dale set the receiver down and hollered for Eddie. Riley could just faintly make out the sound of his voice. "Munson! There's a girl on the phone for you!" Riley felt her face heat up at that comment and was glad that she was on the phone and alone.

"Hello?" Eddie's voice sounded in her ear.

"Ed's." Riley responded. "We got approved for that apartment."

"What? For real?" Riley could sense the excitement in his voice.

"Yes, they want us to come by this afternoon to sign the least, can you do it?"

"Uh, hold on." Eddie set the receiver down where he picked it up and walked over to where Dale had taken his spot where he was working on a car. "Hey Dale."

Leather and Lace: Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now