1. Movie Night!

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Jazmine Dubois
The Dubois Residence 📍

I danced around my room and hummed loudly along to Beyonce, summer was finally here! That meant staying out late, going to new movies, waterpark adventures with my friends, who knows maybe Jazzy will have her a little summer fling!

I held up a few outfit options up to myself in the mirror and almost jumped out of my skin when my bedroom door busted open. Huey stood at the entrance with a raised eyebrow, "Alexa stop please."I called out. "What are you doing?"he asked. I saw a small smirk almost appear on his face.

"I'm getting ready for the movies tonight. Why aren't you?"I asked. He rolled his eyes and sat on my bed, "Why do I need to get ready to put on clothes and sit in a recliner for two hours?"He asked. I stared blankly at him before closing my room door back, "Shut up."I responded. He chuckled lightly and laid back on my bed.

I sat down at my vanity and started doing my makeup. "You know Cindy's bringing her new girlfriend."he said. While I was putting on my mascara I gasped, "New girlfriend? Is she pretty?"I asked. He sat up and stared at me before answering, "I mean I guess your prettier though."he smiled.

I blushed and ignored his comment, Huey and I have been non stop flirting for weeks straight now. I have no idea what it means, like I want to ask him out but I feel like he's just joking and I don't want to make a fool out of myself. So I just play along."Sit next to me in the theater."He added. I nodded and started applying foundation, "I'd rather be in your lap instead of the recliner."I smirked. He lowly laughed and didn't respond.

"Alexa play!"I exclaimed. My music resumed and I finished doing my makeup. Once I picked out my outfit Huey and I walked downstairs to wait for the group to arrive. My doorbell rang repeatedly and I got scared and quickly opened the door before the doorbell itself broke. Riley stood at the door with his usual goofy grin. behind him was Cindy and who I assume was her girlfriend.

"Hi!"I smiled. She waved shyly and followed Cindy into the living room. Once everyone got here Cindy began introductions. "Guys this is Chelsea. Chelsea, this is Huey, Riley, Jazmine, Ming, Caesar, and Hiro."she introduced. We all waved hi in unison and she smiled. "Okay guys we ready?"I asked. Everyone said yes and we piled into two separate cars.

The drive was pretty short considering we lived near everything. I have to admit Woodcrest has come up very well, they've added a theme park, waterpark, movie theaters, a huge mall, and all sorts of new shops and restaurants. I remember when we were younger there wasn't shit to do.

It was silent in the car except from the radio. I wanted to ask was everyone alright but the tension was so thick I could tell something was wrong. "Ming what the hell is wrong with you?"Cindy finally broke. Ming turned down the radio and sighed, "It's Hiro, he really hurt my feelings."she said. I frowned at the thought, Hiro's the nicest guy in the group. He wouldn't try to do that. "How?"I asked.

She turned on her windshield wipers as rain started pouring causing us all to practically scream in annoyance. "He was angry because his parents want him to be with an Asian girl. He claims 'they are so by the book, asian girls arent even that hot."she quoted. Just like my obvious but not too obvious infatuation with Huey, Ming has liked Hiro for the longest. He's just too dumb to realize it. But I can't blame him Ming is usually mean to him.

"And I've been throwing I don't know how many hints at him but obviously its because my race isn't 'that hot' God!"she exclaimed. Her cheeks were a pink shade and her eyes were teary. "Ming calm down it's okay, I don't think he means all Asian girls in general. I believe he means the ones his parents try to set him up with, you know?"I explained.

She shrugged and we all remained silent the rest of the drive. As we pulled up to the movies she immediately looked another direction when Hiro called out to her. "Ming you wanna sit with me?"he asked. "No."she said quickly. She rushed into the theater and bought her ticket. We watched her practically sprint into the concession line alone. "Poor baby."Cindy frowned.

While Cindy and Chelsea bought their tickets, I snuck behind Huey and gently put my hands over his eyes. "Guess who boo?"I said. He laughed a little, "Hmm I don't know." I removed my hands and smiled, getting Huey's attention was in fact not hard.

Girls at our school only made it hard for themselves because they were trying too hard. Huey enjoys weirdness, he's weird him damn self. But I feel like anyone who gets the chance to get to know the smiling, giggling, and goofy Huey then they'd notice getting his attention is no challenge.

I stood in front of him in the line and he wrapped his arms around my neck. We waited patiently for our tickets to see M3gan. The trailers were so funny, Riley had me dying with memes he kept sending me. I have to admit I have a ultimate fear of dolls. I just feel like they'll come alive or something crazy.

"Two tickets for M3gan please."I said. The girl in the ticket booth looked familiar and we she saw me and Huey she looked like she had seen a ghost. Silently, she swiped my card and handed me our tickets. "Uh thank you."I said awkwardly. Huey placed his hands on my shoulders and spun me around. "Who said you could pay?"he asked. I laughed noticing I beat Huey to it.

He usually pays for eveeything but I wanted to be nice for a change. "You always pay! Let me treat you this one time."I pleaded. He rolled his eyes and gave in. "I have to talk to you about something after the movie though. Okay?"he said, his tone completely changed and it was more serious. "Mmk."I responded.

After getting our concessions and popcorn we went into the theater and I in fact did get to sit in Huey's lap the entire time. Well almost the entire time. Caesar pulled us apart for reasons I don't want to share. Huey Freeman is starting to become an addictive drug I'm on.

 Huey Freeman is starting to become an addictive drug I'm on

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Jazzy's movie outfit!

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