XLIX ; I Want You To Be Mine

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The swarthy's heart races as his breath hitches. He blinks as he very slowly pulls his hand out from under the smaller boy's sweater, bringing it to the side of his face.

His eyes then clung to those of the boy under him who was able to calm his blushes. Only their breathing is audible in the room. Then suddenly, Hyunjin's smile stretches slightly. He steps back a little to sit on the carpet, inviting Minho to sit up too by pulling on his arm.

Now seated on the ground, face to face, Hyunjin sends the eldest a gaze endowed with unwavering affection, something sweet but intense at the same time. He then takes the hands of the smallest in his and finally lets his voice be heard again.

- Minho, there are no words to describe how I feel about you...

The brunette raises his eyebrows slightly, never breaking eye contact.

- This trip finally made me open my eyes... You see, my feelings for you have always been there. Since the beginning, my heart beats only for you. Every time you smile, every time you laugh, every time you give me your attention and every time your beautiful eyes are fixed on me... I feel myself melting and butterflies are appearing in my stomach.

He smiled tenderly at the smaller one. His fingers knit with his and he intertwines them to deepen their connection and, at the same time, the moment.

- I love Jisung, Changbin and the others, but it's only you who knows how to make me lose my senses and who makes me want to keep you to myself.

He breaks eye contact for just a second as he keeps going, Minho listening intently.

- I thought maybe it was just because I didn't want to lose you or our friendship. You are the best thing that ever happened to me after all. But that thought was stupid, very stupid. I was stupid.

Hyunjin once again fixes his now enlightened gaze on the older one, tightening his fingers around his. He can hear his own heartbeat through his chest.

It's like any minute he could explode. These feelings that he had denied, ignored for so long finally allow themselves to surface and see the light of day. The smile he displays and lets the smallest see is nothing more than tender and sweet. It is painted with a strong passion that Minho seems to be able to easily detect.

- I don't want you as a friend, Minho, but I want you now as a boyfriend. I want you to be the person with whom I'll share my most beautiful moments. The one I'll wake up to every morning. The one I can always trust...

Hyunjin gets a little closer to the brunette, who stares at him indescribably. His sparkling eyes seek to transmit all his love to him, too. His heart is pounding against his chest and he can feel himself getting feverish again. Only Hyunjin could make him feel such dense and frenzied emotions.

- So, if you accept it, would you like to be... More than just a friend...? Would you be ready to accept me, an ordinary man but completely crazy about you?

The swarthy's hopes grow under the starry gaze of the little one. His lips part slowly as they can both feel the intensity of the moment.

If Hyunjin could dream, then he would dream of this moment many times. He blindly hopes that the answer of the smallest is positive.

- Hyunjin... I have a better question for you...

The taller one blinks once, his smile evaporating excessively slowly. Suddenly, his heart skips a beat and his air cuts out. His gaze changes to something worried and his body freezes. He is paralyzed, but he dares to open his mouth to answer uncertainly.

- I'm listening to you...?

- How could someone refuse to be by your side, tell me...? How could someone say no to you? Who would be stupid enough to refuse to share their life with someone as wonderful as you?

The swarthy's heart resumes an irregular rhythm as a breathy laugh escapes from between his lips. For a moment, he thought the brunette was going to refuse.

His relief is clearly visible, which also makes Minho smile again.

- You drive me crazy, Lee Minho.

Taken by a wave of affection for the boy from whom he has always hidden his feelings, Hyunjin opens his arms in which the brunette throws himself laughing.

His laughter being contagious but also a sign of shared joy, Hyunjin also starts to laugh, hugging him very tightly against him, in his arms. The two boys remain in this position for a long time, enjoying the warmth that the body of one brings to the other.

- Hyunjin, if only you knew how much I love you...

Chin on the taller's shoulder, Minho smiles brightly as he tightens his arms around him. It feels so light, so good.

- I think I already know, my love.

He pulls back a bit to end the hug but he brings one hand directly to his face, the other to his hip, then he seals their lips together, starting an emotionally fervent kiss which Minho rushes to respond to.

They had been waiting for this moment for so long...



Can you believe it? I actually forgot to publish yesterday- how did I even do that oml ☠️

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