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please note all of these terms are ones that we use there may be different words to describe the same jobs

As implied by being a system, we work together as a system. everyone has a job to make sure that we can continue to function and stay safe. 

jobs include: 

host (co-host) : the alter that fronts the most and acts at the "main person" (fronting is when you are in control of the body)  

trauma/memory holder: sound like it is, it these alters job to hold onto and deal with our trauma or traumatic memories

gatekeeper : monitors switching, and can prohibit access to front or prohibits alters from stopping fronting  

caretaker : these alters take care of other alters, some times that means taking care of younger alters or being there to calm down alters in crisis. 

protector : alters who are in charge of keeping the system and body safe from harm, they front in violent situations or when the system feels threatened 

sexual protector :  a subset of protectors specifically focused around sexull acts of violence and trauma. 

persecutor: alter who purposely hurt the body or other alters, although there not inherently evil. often these behaviors are born form a place of wanting to protect the system 

alter types

factives  : alters who are based off people outside of the system, often people with a large impact in the systems life. 

fictives  : alters who are based off fictional characters such as books, tv shows, or games. 

headmades : alters who are completely original and not made in likeness to anything or anyone. 


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