Chapter 2

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It seems like this bus ride is taking ages when I've only been on it for 10 minutes. Hmm I guess we did get some new girls this year because there are a lot more stops then I remember. "Hey Livvy!" Hollered a very familiar voice. How does she even know my nickname? Slowly I turned around to see big brown annoying rainbows and fairydust filled eyes. "Ugh" I sounded turning back around in my seat and slamming my binder next to me loudly. " I saaid Hey Livvy" she started again. "Go away" I told her with much disgust in my voice. I could feel her eyes burning holes in the back of my head I'm pretty sure if I had eyes back there we would be having a full out staring contest. The bus came to a stopped and I heard Violet get up from her seat. "Oh thank Go-" my head snapped to the side as she picked up my binder and dropped it loudly on the floor. I gave her a terrible death stare as she sat down awfully close to me, if looks could kill she would be dead and down at that one place where they clean the bodies up and stuff. She just kept looking forward not saying a word. "Are you gonna pick up my bin-" "Shh!" She cut me off. Oh No, you have got to be kidding me! "VIOLET GET OUT OF MY SEAT I DON'T LIKE YOU" I raised my voice getting oo's from the remainder of girls on the bus waiting for their stop. I quickly met eye contact with each of them and the bus was quiet once again."Well why not?" She asked appearing sad. I felt something in the pit of my stomach.. Oh my what is this strange feeling? Could it be guilt? No it couldn't be I'm never guilty of anything... Ever. She turned to look at me tears at the rim of her eyes. Dude. "I don't know." I finally replied flatly. The bus came to a stop again and Violet gave me one last look and got off the bus. Woah what was that? The bus pulled off again and it was quiet all I could hear was the motor of the bus driving down the street to my home. Finally I thought as the bus finally pulled up infront of my house. Oh Yeah special treatment since I am the only one at my stop. I stood outside my house waiting for either my doom or great happiness, I walked up to the front door and turned the knob wondering why it wasn't locked. Something was off... I was in the middle of thinking when 'CLUNK'! I instantly fell backwards do to impact. Holding my eye I looked up at my obviously drunk father. "WHY ARE YOU LATE *hiccup* BETTY?" He yelled sounding idiotic. Wow not even close this time I thought to myself. I quickly got up and ran upstairs to my room leaving my binder downstairs. "HEY I WASN'T DONE WITH YOU, YOU LITTLE SLUT" he slurred. I heard him attempt to walk up the stairs as I slammed my door but he failed terribly slipping after taking the first step. Where is Eddy? I couldn't help but think he was in trouble or something because he's always home waiting for me in case something like this were to happen again. Guess not.
*4 hours later*
I was really starting to get worried it's 7pm and Eddy is not home yet. I lie on my bed with a cold rag on my eye because I can't imagine what would happen if I were to bump into my sperm donor downstairs again. My eye seemed to still not go down he really got me good this time. I heard the front door open and footsteps come up the stairs in the direction of my room. The knob shook. "Livvy open the door, it's me".
I opened the door with a very disappointed look on my face. "Let me see it" he demanded talking about my swollen purple eye. "Yupp he popped a blood vessel" he stated. I was infuriated I have been texting him all day worried about him and scared my dad would come again and hit me while Eddy was not home. Edward is a big guy standing at 6'5 towering me with my 5'8 height. He weighs about 200 pounds of pure muscle and his eyes are the most amazing shade of dark grey with his black hair he's a handsome guy. To the ladies he's perfect. To the males also. "Where have you been?" I asked with authority in my voice. "I've been out with my cousin looking for jobs so I can get my own place I'm about to turn 23 Olivia can I have a life?" He asked getting annoyed. I began crying. "I never said you couldn't have a life but you also promised you would protect me no matter what and be there everytime I call" I said crying hysterically. "I know and I apologize I did promise and I didn't mean to snap on you I just got a little mad that everybody is jumping down my throat today." He said pulling me into a hug and sitting on the floor rocking me until I finally stopped crying like a little baby. "Are you finally gonna meet my cousin Livvy she's been talking about you a lot." He asked. "Why does she even talk about me I don't know her and you know I don't like meeting new people Eddy why do you expect me to always make friends it's not happening." I stated flatly. "Olivia Anders." He said with No tone. "Edward Blythe." I mimicked. He got up and walked out of my room. I feel like I've just been upsetting everybody today. What is going on with me? Am I that.. how do I put it... Ugh? Something is seriously wrong today I swear I think I felt guilt and now I feel disapointing. I need a shower, I got up and walked into my bathroom slamming the door.
Note: Livvy at the top

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