Chapter 3

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I was getting a really good rest when my annoying alarm clock went off and by alarm clock I meant Eddy. "Wake up Livvy you don't want to be late to your second day of school, you better get up now unless you want to be taking the bus." I heard his voice through the door. I grunted loudly and jumped off my bed landing all my weight to show how annoyed I am. I dragged my feet to the bathroom and looked at my eye, it went down a lot but you can still see a bit of bruising underneath. I guess I will be fine. I was finishing up my mascara when I heard loud banging on my door. Gosh this guy really needs to learn the meaning of the word patience. "I'm leaving in 5 minutes Olivia if you're not downstairs I'm leaving you without hesitation." Eddy yelled outside my room. I grunted loudly for the second time this morning and walked out of my room grabbing my keys and phone on the way out. When I got downstairs surprise surprise my binder was a mess with all my papers thrown across the floor. "You didn't think to tell me about this?" I asked Eddy aggravated. "This is my first time down here since last night." I leaned down to pick up my things and Eddy was helping me when my father came out of his room. "Olivia what have I told you about leaving your mess downstairs start picking up after yourself!" He stated. He knows that he did this he just wanted a reason to yell at me this morning. I rolled my eyes and finished picking up my things walking out of the front door.
"Can we stop at Starbucks? We didn't yesterday and I was really cranky" I asked. "Livvy you're always cranky, coffee or not." He retorted. 15 minutes later and I'm still waiting in the car for Eddy to bring back my drink, I was growing impatient. Finally I thought as he came out of the coffee shop. "Dude what took you so long?" I asked obviously annoyed. "Dude it's 7:30am and we're at a very famous coffee shop. Why do you think I took so long?" He mimicked. I understand Starbucks is delicious but why is it so packed in the morning? Okay I sound stupid let me just stop now. Eddy took the car out of park and drove out of the lot in the direction of my school. It's too quiet. Maybe I should break the silence. "Eddy you told me you were trying to move out yesterday. Were you serious or just saying that to make me upset?" I asked curiously. "I was serious I am moving out but there must be something really wrong with you if you think I'm going to leave you in that house with your father alone. There is one downside to me moving out and taking you with me though." He answered. "Oh yeah? What is that?" I really wonder what could be so bad? "Well I promised my cousin that when I got my own place she could come and live with me so it's not just gonna be me and you so you better start getting used to more people being around you now because I'm not going to have two cranky 17 years old girls in my house because one is anti-social and the other is a big ball of sunshine and the anti-social one is trying to put out the sunshines fire with her moodiness. " he answered. I was about to scream when we pulled up infront of school and Eddy unlocked the doors. I gave him this look saying 'we'll talk later' and got out of the car. I was almost inside of the school doors when I was attacked in a very tight hug by some girl that smells like vanilla and has very long fingernails. "Ouch!" I nearly screamed as the girl let go. I looked down at my arm and she left four perfect little crescents in my skin. I turned around facing Violet with a very red face. " oh my gosh I am so sorry I just wanted to make you happy with a hug you just looked so down." She she said face turning bright red as she examined my arm. I pulled my arm away without a word and walked away. "By the way I forgive you from yesterday!" She yelled after me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.
*2 hours later*
I'm in my math class nearly sleeping when my teacher calls on me. "Olivia could you please tell me what cosine 30 x divided by 20 equals?" She asked. "X equals twenty-three point ten" I answered flatly. The teacher gave me a weird look and continued on with her lesson. Teachers always underestimate me just because sometimes I blank out doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing they make it seem like I never pay attention and when I get something correct without even trying they give me weird looks. It's like they wait for me to mess up so they can have something to talk about at their stupid meetings. The bell rung releasing us to fourth lunch. I grabbed my things and walked in the direction of the library. I never eat lunch at school even though sometimes I'm really hungry I just can't stand being around all those people. They do nothing but gossip or make fun of less fortunate people. It gets old. I was on my way down the hall in the direction of the library when I got bumped into by a girl trying to run downstairs to the cafe. Lunch isn't that good I thought to myself as I sat up holding the back of my head. "Hey watch where you're going weirdo!" Yelled the girl that ran into me. I stood up and looked her up and down before pushing her down the stairs. At least she still got to lunch on time. I thought as she finally stopped tumbling and layed there on the ground crying and holding her leg. Oh well I thought as I grabbed my things and walked to the library. I was in the middle of a good book when the principal and her followers walked in and called out my name. "Olivia Anders. I would like to see you in my office... NOW. " she yelled. I grunted and got up from the very comfy bean bag and walked out in the direction of the office. "Have a seat." She said flatly. I sat down in the very uncomfortable chair. I tried my hardest to not talk crap about this chair because I was already in deep enough. But in all honest my butt was hurting and I just sat down. "Ms. Anders, you sent Jules Hudson to the hospital this afternoon. Care to explain yourself?" She asked with a very rough voice. Kind of manly if you ask me. "She knocked me down running to lunch and made me hit my head on this very hard stupid floor and then called me weird. So I helped her get to lunch on time by pushing her down the stairs." I answered flatly. I really wasn't in the mood for this. "Well I'm not going to suspend you because that's way to much paperwork." She said lazily. Oh thank God. "But you will have some type of punishment. You will visit Jules everyday in the hospital until she gets out. She has internal bleeding, a broken leg, sprained wrist, and a concussion. You will be lucky if they don't press charges." She continued. Well I knew I hurt her but not that bad. I don't care I still don't like her. "Now get out of my office." I can't believe I thought I would've got off the hook that easy.
*6 hours later*
I'm sitting in my last class. English and guess what? We have a group project and guess who's in my group? Yupp Violet. We were discussing who's house we will be working at on what days and what the topic of our project will be when the final bell dismissed us. Finally I thought as I walked out of the class. Oddly Eddy was waiting for me outside of the school building. "What are you doing here?" I asked a bit worried. "Well I got a call from the school saying you put some girl in the hospital this afternoon and that your punishment is to visit her until she recovers so of course I have to be the one to take you." He answered sounding greatly annoyed. "Ugh" I sounded as I walked in the direction of the car. We pulled up infront of the hospital, Eddy and I rode the elevator up to the 6th floor to Jules's room and I knocked on the door. "Come in" Jules answered from inside completing her sentence with a terrible cough. "Owwww!" She nearly yelled. I walked in on her repeatedly smacking the nurses button awaiting for them to cater to her every need. She's probaby annoying the crap out of people with her snobby rich girl attitude. Her head snapped to the side as she looked at me with rage in her eyes. "Get....out..." wow someones cranky I thought to myself. "Okay" I said simply as I shrugged my shoulders and turned to walk out. As I opened the door I was pushed back inside by a very angry Eddy. "No you stay in here and do your time" he stated as if I was in jail. I grunted again and turned around. This is gonna be a long night.
Note: Livvy at the top

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