Chapter 6

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"Good you're awake, Livvy I'm Dr.Baker and I'm here to discuss with you about your severe Diverticulitis.
Diverticulitis is inflammation or infection of small pouches called diverticula that develop along the walls of the intestines." He began explaining. I tried to listen but all I could focus on was the pain in my stomach. I felt like I was going to die and trust me right now it doesn't seem like such a bad idea. I felt like screaming but my throat was way too dry and my tongue felt like a rock. All I could do was turn over and hold my stomach. I then heard the doctor "you may feel as if you're having bad cramps right now, we had to wait until you were awake and alert to give you medicine because we can not force it okay you. I am sorry to say that you will have to go into surgery and 9 out of 10 times it works so don't be afraid." I just kept still clutching at the terrible pain in my body wishing it will go away. "Can we go get her some pain medication now?" I heard Eddy ask te doctor in annoyance. "Oh Yeah! I will be back in a jiffy." He began to walk out of the door but Eddy grabbed his arm. "May I talk to you in the hall... now?" I slowly turned my head to see Violet sitting in the corner chewing on her fingers. Why is she so nervous? I'm the one that should be scared.
*in the hallway*
++++Eddy's P O V++++
"Doctor is she going to be okay?"
"It's not 100% garunteed being that we are just now discovering this disease in her and if it is not treated quickly and properly... it could be fatal and from the looks of it, she looks like she isn't going to make it outside of this hospital. " I felt like I was going to pass out. The hall began to spin and I felt like the walls were caving in. I can't lose Olivia I made a promise to keep her safe, to keep her alive. I don't know why but I feel like all of this is my fault. How could I not have seen she was sick? "Break the news to her when you feel she is ready. I'll go get that medicine. " I finally gained my composure and walked back into the room with Olivia to see Violet Laying beside her on the bed. Both of them sleeping, Livvy clutching her stomach and Violet holding her hand. I pulled up a chair beside the bed and latest my head on my arms and began to sob. I couldn't believe this was happening. I know the doctor said it could be fatal and I know that Livvy is a fighter but What if she just can't take it anymore? I don't know What I would do with my life. After about 10 minutes of sitting with my head in my hands the doctor walked in. He attached a clear pouch to a tube and put the other end of the tube in Livvy's arm. I could tell it instantly worked because she let go of her stomach and unrolled herself out of the little ball she formed with her body. She looked relaxed. That put my mind at ease a bit. Dr. Baker gave me a little pat on my back and walked out quietly clicking the door shut.
*3 hours later*
"Eddy?....Eddy?" Livvy was calling for me she was awake. I jumped up from the chair making it skid across the floor making a loud noise before coming to a stop then toppling over. "Yes? Yes I'm here Livvy! How do you feel?" I quickly ran over to her side of the bed grabbing her hand in mine. She looked paler than usually but I just guess that from the medicine and it's pretty cold in here. "I'm fine Im just a but hungry... and uncomfortable Violet has been squashing me but I've been to weak to move her." I was about to run over to move Violet but she moved herself. "Alright alright I'm moving, sorry." She made a move to get up from the bed but Livvy kept a tight grip on her hand. "I didn't say I wanted you to leave I just wanted you to move over a bit." Violet smiled and layed back down beside Livvy keeping some distance away from her though. As if right on cue a nurse walked in with a tray of food. "Hi, I'm Nurse Jackie I will be your caretaker here with you as you stay in the hospital, I will cater to your every needs anything you want I got you. Here is your food I hope you enjoy and if you need anything else just press that button to your left." She pointed to a little black button hanging on a hook beside my bed and turned to walk out. I walked over to get Livvy's food as Violet helped her sit up straight so she can eat without choking. "Mmm spaghetti.. I love spaghetti! "
Note: I'm gonna delete this book soon because it's seems like it's going nowhere...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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