Chapter 1 This is what I deserve

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(This is something I have been working on for some time. This is going to get deep there will be domestic abuse and talks of past sexual abuse. Mental health is a huge part of this story. If any of those things are triggering to you id suggest not reading. Im working hard on this story I hope you all enjoy.)

Harley has been with The Joker for years now, she's become numb to his abuse the darkness over her is him and her demons telling her he was right about her that she was worthless, at this point in her life she didn't even feel human. He would yell he would scream he would throw things he would hit her and Harley just took it, because that was the only love she knew. She felt like what he did to her was love and she deserved punishment because she disappointed Mista J and he was the boss. At least he wasn't killing her like he did whenever the goons would fuck up his plans. So she sat there on the floor holding her legs close, hiding the tears that was threatening to leave her eyes she wasn't going to show weakness so she looked up at him his eyes dark his smile wide and his laugh evil as he hit Harley straight in the nose and again across the face, she could taste blood dripping from her nose and the stinging on her cheek and she just took it. In Harley mind she couldn't do better then Jack, I mean he had stood by her side all these years he made her who she was today he opened her eyes to a new way of life, fighting batman going on heist stealing it always sent her adrenaline high and she loved the feeling. It felt like freedom to her and it made her pudding happy and seeing him happy was rare especially nowadays. So yeah she took the beating day after day after day, yet she would still wake up the day after ready to serve him. Even if her body hurt even if she was injured. Deep down she knew he was no good for her but he was all she had. She didn't have family she didn't have friends she just had Joker and his goons. So she stayed not thinking she could ever find better. Until she did.

This time the yelling became to much for Harley she needed to go somewhere anywhere away from The Joker away from people in general so when he had finally feel asleep after smashing a few things Harley sneaked out the window since he always had everything locked. She climbed down and reached the ground. The cool air hitting her immediately as she wrapped her coat around her and began walking. She didn't know where she was heading and she needed to stay low key Batman was still after them so she settle in a near by park, it was quiet the only sounds she heard was the sound of the trees swinging through the wind and the sounds of owls watching from the tree. She sat on a near by bench, she took a deep breath before looking up to the sky, the stars were hard to see because of how bad pollution in Gotham was however a few were visible to the eye. She felt the tears she had been holding in all week fall from her eyes and she bursts into sobs as her face rested in her hands. She felt so weak, crying about shit that didn't matter, a small part of her wanted to run and never look back leave The Joker and all his abuse in the past and start a new life, but who was she kidding she was nothing without Mista J it was wrong of her to even consider leaving him, he never left her. She was pulled out of her thoughts by the sounds of footsteps behind her, she stood up ready to fight.

"Who's there show yourself" Harley called out

"Why are you here?" A stern voice replied it sounded gentle it was defiantly a female but who? Harley thought to herself

"Just felt like having a stroll" Harley replied quickly

"At 3am?" The voice replied

"Well why are you here?" Harley questioned still looking to see if she could see anyone but she couldn't not even a shadow

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