Chapter 1

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When she opened her eyes, Regina was lying on the pavement back in Storybrooke. Her hands were still lying on her belly, but when she brought them up to her face to look at them, they were no longer covered in blood. She was alive! Henry had done it! She sat up to see the boy in question looking at her with the biggest grin on his face. "You did it." She whispered, still no quite believing it herself. "No, we did it, Mom." Henry informed her,
reaching down and helping her to her feet.
Her head snapped up to see Robin coming barreling around the corner. She felt him crash into her, his hands inspecting every inch of her, finally coming to rest where the wound had been that had almost separated them forever.

"Oh, thank God you're alive." He mumbled as he pulled her close to him. She reached up and caressed his face, not able to wrap her mind around how close she had come to losing him. "Of course I am. I couldn't leave you all alone, now could I?" She questioned teasingly, resting her forehead on his.
She closed her eyes as she felt his lips softly press against her's, and she let out a sigh of content.
When they finally had to come up for air, she rested her forehead against his once again.
"Have you seen Zelena yet?" She questioned him, quite sure of his answer.
"That I did, Milady. Unfortunately, she is still pregnant and she is as delightful as ever." He informed her, reaching up and tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
Henry watched this exchange with interest. He looked down at the pen that he still held in his hand and smiled. Maybe they couldn't do anything about that, but he could.

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