Chapter 6

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Regina's eyes fluttered open as she woke up from her nap. The smell of something delicious was coming from downstairs. She smiled to herself. Dating an outlaw did have it's perks. Her hand drifted down to her abdomen and rested there as if it had always done so. Her lips pulled slightly downward in a frown, her brow furrowed. Then there was the question of how this little one came to be. They had been separated by a very big distance, a protection spell on the town, and the curse she had cast on herself when she drank that vile potion.
No matter how it came to be, it had happened and she was grateful for the chance that she had thought she would never ever get. To have a biological child. To get to experience a pregnancy. Sure, she had been a mother to both Henry and Roland, but she had never had a child that was completely her's, one that no one could take away from her. Not that she didn't love Henry and Roland any less, but she had never gotten to and never thought that she would be able to experience the "joys" of pregnancy, as Emma Swan always called them.
There was a knock on her door, startling her from her musings.
"Who is it?" She called, knowing that it could only be one of three boys. Her Princes as she called them.
"Just a concerned soul who wants to make sure that the mother of his children, unborn or otherwise, gets her dinner." Robin called back teasingly, opening the door and stepping inside. He was holding a heaping plate of steaming food that made Regina's mouth water.
"I've heard of breakfast in bed, but never dinner in bed." She informed him, trying to keep a straight face. He was so adorable when he tried to act serious.
"Well, Milady, I believe that you are one of the lucky few to be let in on this secret. Dinner in bed actually exists, but most boyfriends aren't manly enough to handle it. I am on of the few that can handle it." He said looking her straight in the eyes and trying to look dead serious, but failing miserably.
She giggled, something that only a few had ever witnessed before.
"And what did I do to deserve such a treatment?" She asked him.
"Well, it's quite simple, really. You are carrying out child and doing all of the hard work. I'm just trying to do everything that I can to help with everything else so that you can focus on doing that. Besides, you haven't completely paid for your dinner yet." He told her.
"Oh and what would I need to do to pay for said dinner?" She asked him, arching one eyebrow at him.
"Well...", he said pretending to think about her question, "A kiss would be nice. For all of the hard work that I did to make you this dinner."
"I believe that that can be arranged." she said, grabbing his shirt so that she could pull him in for a kiss. She gave him a passionate kiss, trying to convey how grateful she was for the dinner and everything else that he had done for her.
When they finally broke apart, Regina asked, "Will that be enough?" She smirked, knowing that she had caught him completely by surprise. That's what he got for asking the evil queen for a kiss.
Robin nodded mutely and handed her her plate before climbing into bed beside her.
"Shouldn't you be downstairs making sure that our boys are not tearing the house apart?", she asked him, "Not that I am not enjoying this." As she said this last part, Robin snuggled against her with one hand resting on her abdomen.
"While you were asleep, I sent them over to Mary Margret's house for the night. I told her that we were going through a rough patch and needed to work some things out, which is sort of true. We are going through a rough patch and we do need to discuss a few things, though the rough patch isn't our fault like I am sure she will automatically assume.
Regina set her plate down beside her and propped herself up using the many pillows on the bed so that she could each. She picked up her plate again and began to eat, trying not to burn her tongue.
"Mmm. This is good, Robin." Regina murmured, completely blissfully.
Robin sat up beside her and slung his arm around her waist, pulling her as close as possible to him. He kissed the side of her head.
"I'm glad you like it, Milady." He told her, smiling happily.
They sat in comfortable silence like that just enjoying each other's company until Regina had finished her food. When she did, Robin reached over and took her dishes from her and laid them on the bedside table.
He returned to his previous position. "We really do need to talk about this." He told her, gently rubbing circles on her belly.
"Why?", she asked him, "It happened, so it happened. Besides, I think I have a pretty good idea of who is behind this."
"Who? Rumple? Cause he is the only one powerful enough besides you that could do something like this. Oh, and while you were asleep Dr. Whale called. He said that Zelena did lose the baby, but he can't tell why or how. When he examined her, he said that if he hadn't been the one to examine her earlier, he would think that she had never been pregnant in the first place." He informed her.
"No, not even I or Rumple are powerful enough to alter reality on such a drastic scale and this new information only confirms my suspicions." She said, only making Robin more confused and worried. More powerful than Rumple or Zelena or even his beloved? Who?
"Henry." She said, answering his unspoken question. "Henry now wields the power of the author, which makes him the most powerful person in Storybrooke.
"Henry?" He asked her. "Why would he make Zelena lose her baby and then give it to you? It doesn't make sense."
"Because he wants to give me my happy ending. He probably saw the story about how I cursed myself in his storybook and decided that he wanted to give me what I had taken away. A baby." She told him, looking down and not looking Robin in the eyes.
He wordlessly reached over her and grabbed her hand before placing their joined hands softly on her belly.
"Feel this?", he asked her, "This is our baby. OUR baby, Regina. Nobody else's. Okay?"
He used his free hand to tilt her chin upwards so that they were looking into each other's eyes.
"Okay?" He repeated.
She nodded and a small smile appeared on her face.
"Hey little one, it's mommy. I don't know if you can hear me yet, but I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I can't wait to meet you. No matter what, know that we both love you very much." She told her belly, smiling down at it.
Robin leaned down to kiss her belly and then pulled back to admire the rest of her. She looked incredibly beautiful like this with her walls down. Her smile made her whole being light up and he could have sworn that she was glowing.
He kissed her, capturing her beautiful lips with his own. She hummed with contentment.
"Let's just go to sleep. I'm exhausted." She told him once they reluctantly pulled apart.
"Okay." He told her.
With that, they laid down, not even bothering to change, him with his arms wrapped around her to let her know that he was here. That night in Robin's arms was one of the best nights that Regina had had in a long time.

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