Fair Rides and CandyFloss

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The sign gets closer and let's just say, the energy in the car could send the car flying like those weird movies!

As we get out of the car, the smell of hot food hits us. Cody grabs my arm and runs dragging me with him. "Cody!!! Calm down", I laugh. "Never!" He replies.

Our first ride is one called Freddy. It stays pretty low to the ground but gradually speeds up and the little carts start shaking too. It probably scares some people but for me and Cody? We could stay on the ride all day!!

"Okay next please!" The ride instructor says. Me and Cody hand him our tokens. He nods at us and lets us pass. "This ride is definitely the best!" I say. Cody laughs. "Definitely!" Our handles are pulled down and the ride starts. "Here we go!" Cody says.

As the ride goes on, me and Cody laugh and wave our hands in the air while also singing whatever song plays on the ride next to ours.

The ride ends and Cody's already dragging me over to the snack stands. "CandyFloss!!" He says. I giggle at his excitement. "A must have!!" I reply. He buys one huge bag for us to share.

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