What's this Strange Feeling?

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Vegas pov :

' Argh! Another day and another shitty meeting at this filthy mansion , if only it wasn't because of Pa I would have never came here '
( Vegas mumbles as he gets off the car )

Kun Pov :

' What the fuck you're thinking?? We are already 1 hour late just because of you get off and follow me along with Macau ' ( Kun's shout at Vegas )

Vegas pov :

' Can't you talk nicely to me even once i was late because i fucking went to run an errand of yours *grits teeth in anger* '

( Kun gives Vegas a death glare and proceed to go inside the mansion & Two Bodyguards Porsche & Arm stand by Vegas side two escort him inside )

Vegas pov :

' Tf u guys looking at? Huh ! '

( All the bodyguards quickly turn their head down , nobody dares to mess with Vegas since he's the most cruel devil who you wouldn't ever wanna mess with unless you want a miserable life )

' As i was about to go inside the mansion my eyes turns towards Porsche and he gives me a quick smile ' ( more like an nervous one )
*Vegas smirks & goes inside*


Vegas Pov :

As i enter the meeting hall my gaze falls upon Kinn who's looking dashing in his red suit & black formals , why tf my heart is beating so fast??? What's happening to me it's been a year since whenever i see Kinn my heart starts beating fast , i feel happy! What is this strange feeling? * Vegas to himself *

Macau Pov
- Hia are you okay?? *Taps on Vegas shoulder*

Vegas comes to his senses

Vegas Pov :
I - i yea champ i was thinking about some creature * looks at kinn again*
salareo tf you are looking at ?? * In his mind *

( Kinn comes towards Vegas & Macau )

the fuck is he coming here , act fucking normal Vegas what's wrong with u? * To himself *

Kinn pov :

Swadee khap Macau bro & br- Vegas dude

Vegas pov :

Damn are you greeting me?? From where did the sun rise today? * Smirks * Hahah ya hello Kinn brr *pauses* bro. What's wrong Vegas you can address other as "brother" why did you hesitate whenever it's time to address Kinn as that? ( Vegas thinks that it's because he hates kinn to much to address him as brother even tho kinn is older..but is it really true? )

Bodyguard pov :

Khun kinn , Khun Wegath.. you're being called.

Macau pov :

Let's go Hia Vegas & Kinn

Vegas & Kinn :

Ya let's go champ ( They both say in unison & gives a glare to each other )

Vegas pov :

I hate the fact that kinn calls Macau as champ too ik he does this to get on my nerves * Vegas thinks while looking at kinn * ( Vegas phone beeps & he quickly looks away from kinn ) I - who tf is texting me rn * clears throat *
Ah sorry about that.. Swadee khap Uncle korn & Everyone *Vegas settles down while giving kinn a smirk*


korn's Pov :

' So Vegas how's the Cassino work is going on at Chiang mai ?? '

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