VIII Camilla Amazon Queen

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VIII Camilla Amazon Queen

            They had just finished the fourth harvest since Camilla and Metabo’s departure and they had not yet received any news from them. After an initial period full of sadness, Arisia and Antonius began to feel more serene. They were sitting at the front the door, the warmth of evening which gave to them peace of mind. Antonius was lying down, resting with his eyes closed, dozing on the grass. Suddenly, the half-asleep shepherd heard whispering:

“Father. Father …”

It was like a dream, where it was so real to hear the clear voice of Camilla, he felt he could almost reach out and touch her.

“Come on, dad... Open your eyes!”

Abruptly, Antonius opened his eyes. Camilla was actually there, in flesh and bones and it had not been a dream.

“Arisia! Arisia!” Cried Antonius. “Come quickly. Camilla is back!”

With tears in his eyes, he kissed and hugged his daughter, who he had believed was lost forever. As in a vision, standing beside the horse holding the reins, resting on the spear, the splendid figure of Camilla was silhouetted against the setting sun. It was indeed his daughter, the same girl whom he put to sleep in the night while telling ancient chants of the sea. A thousand thoughts filled the mind of Antonius. How beautiful and grown-up she had become. She had grown up yet. She was almost as tall as he, strengthened, but still very slender. With her black hair tied behind her neck, tanned, muscular and well-formed legs and arms, she appeared Artemis in person. She wore a short white tunic very dusty now. It was tied at the waist with a high and sturdy leather band, which highlighted her shapely physique. At the foot she had sheepskin boots with leather straps and shin pads. A long black cloak hung over her shoulders. Her personal weaponry was complete with a short bronze sword, a sling and a small dagger. The horse was saddled with a blanket of skin of a strange animal never seen before. The skin resembled a huge wild cat, mantle streaked with yellow, white, orange and black. Hung from the horse was a goatskin bag with double pocket, a leather bottle now empty and a bow with a quiver full of arrows. Antonius was speechless. Arisia came moments later, looking as if she had seen a ghost, gazing in awe at the sight of her daughter.

“My daughter, embrace the facts! How beautiful you are, you look like the goddess of war in person. But this scar, what is it? And yet another one! What have they done?”

Arisia ran to her, embracing her tenderly, then suddenly broke off abruptly, saying in a tone of authority,

“Ahhh, you smell worse than a goat! I am going to put water on the fire. You have to wash before dinner, in fact, immediately!”

“Welcome home, Camilla!” Exclaimed Antonius, and all three exploded in a merry laugh.

That night at dinner, after the ordinary comments on the skill of Arisia and her ability to turn anything edible into food for the gods, Antonius asked Camilla, “Daughter, do you remember how good was the leg of boar that you killed?”

Camilla smiled, but quickly became serious,

“Yes, father, I remember.”

She paused for a moment, staring into the void then she spoke without expression.

“How much blood I have shed since then, father. Animals, and men alike, since then my sword and my arm have no respect for anyone.”

“Daughter, I feel so much bitterness in your words and I understand. I too experienced the bitter smell of blood on the battlefields during my youthful adventures and learned there is nothing good in killing.”

Then Antonius changed the subject of the conversation, asking Camilla news about Metabo, but she replied sharply:

“That man is no longer my father. He's just a crazy beast who, in the name of an impossible revenge, destroys everything he encounters. It is more than a year our paths have split, and since then I have no news of him. You and only you are my real father. You, who has loved me since I was an infant, without asking anything in return.”

A knot tightened the shepherd’s throat, he ached to hug her and kiss her again but refrained. They ate a few bites in silence, then Arisia asked,

“And... tell me, daughter, about love?”

“Love!? Mother, if I had not met you and dad, I would say without a shadow of doubt that the love between man and woman does not exist. Men are like beasts without reason, whose only interests are war, weapons and women. Women have only one purpose for them, and they are capable of using violence to get it. They have tried many times for me, and I must admit that many men have literally lost their head for their attempt. Along the road from here to the east sea, beyond the snowy mountains, some of them will do no harm any longer. These men thought I was something to take at their will, but found out they were very wrong.”

Her expression immediately changed and with a proud and solemn tone concluded:

“My beloved parents, since I left you I met so many men, but none worthy of our good name. I have drawn the conclusion that I do not care to encounter anyone. I have put my camp on the esplanade at the top of the hill. Father, our cave will be my headquarters. You still do not know, but I have my own little army, all women. These are women rescued by me from unworthy men. They are slaves I set free, war widows and young women who have been raped. They all have stories of violence attached to them. Together we vowed that never again will any man raise his hand to us without encountering our bronze swords! Me, Camilla, I swear, I will be their protector and queen, and Diana will be our beloved goddess. We'll stay up there, we will train for defense and war. We will not make any trouble, and if you want, we shall be your defense and your justice. Spread the word to families and to the people of the Village.”

From then on, whenever Antonius was traveling back tired in the evening or when something had gone wrong during the day, he would say to himself what had become for him the magic formula of humor,

“This evening I will invite the Queen to dinner.” It amused him so much that almost always his bad mood disappeared. Antonius used to think about it many times. “Camilla the Queen ! Here with us!” Of course he had never met in person any king or queen, apart from the violent Metabo. But if indeed that title was synonymous of nobility, dignity, patience, authority, justice and service: Camilla embodied all these qualities perfectly. In the camp on the hill, Camilla was the first to wake up and the last one to go to sleep. She inspired, encouraged and helped them all. Her presence was enough to calm tension and keep everyone in her realm in good spirits. When she passed among them the faces of her warriors were lit. She was the first to get on the horse when some farmers sought help for a beast or a bewildered herd. Anyone who asked for help would not be disappointed. Even the peasants who were in dispute amongst themselves had begun to seek her judgment. In this regard Camilla often asked for Antonius’s guidance, so he had become her closest advisor. Camilla’s favorite moment was always when she was in need of advice or comfort, and she would join her father at Little Well. Many times Antonius was awaken by Camilla late at night.

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