XV The encounter

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XV The encounter

             It had been a beautiful day. The sun had not yet gone down and the surrounding atmosphere was tinged with pink. Camilla, intent to reflect on the complicated situation, was casually watching the crimson of the sky reflected in water which was cracked by little silver streams. Suddenly she whirled, bringing her hands quickly to her sword. Birds had stopped singing and the forest was suddenly silent. She-hunter was well aware of the meaning of this silence, someone was approaching. While she was getting up with the sword in her hand to investigate, a man's voice rose up behind a tree.

“Peace! I come in peace! The war is still distant! I do not know for how long, but it is still far away. Excuse me if I came without notice. I noticed you were worried at the camp; it is a common problem after all, and I would like to know your opinion about it. It's never easy to make such important decisions when the good of all is at stake.”

The voice took shape. The blond warrior that Camilla had noticed during the chiefs meeting, stepped forward, smiling. The girl frowned, remaining still on the defensive, and he continued as if he had not noticed and moved closer.

“I know how you feel.” The young man spoke in a calm voice. “It is difficult to decide when the decision could cause death and pain. It is better, in these cases, to take time to think a while, and try to understand. Weigh every action, every word. It is always difficult to govern with justice, but now and again, the task becomes even heavier, doesn't it?”

He did not get any response, so he continued cheerfully,

“You are Camilla, the Amazon queen of the Volscians, correct? Volcente, my father, told me about you. My name is Camertem, and I am honored to lead and serve the Ausonian people of Amyclae. I am happy to meet you! I must admit you certainly do justice to your reputation, you're very young and beautiful as it is told!” And, seriously, he added. “Perhaps far too young to have the responsibility for such an important decision for the fate of a people on your own shoulders.”

Camilla was puzzled for a moment. The man had read her thoughts. It's not easy being a queen, especially if you want to be a good queen. Camertem sat down not far from her and, looking straight into her eyes, he added:

“Do not feel inadequate. At moments such as these, only the fool believes he has clear ideas. I am confused too. I talked to a lot older and more experienced chiefs than us and I have revealed the same doubts. Tomorrow, King Turnus will have to share his most compelling reasons for us to join forces. Do you agree with me?”

Camertem was a brawny warrior of his mid-twenties, tall and fair-skinned. He wore a pair of knee-length breeches of tanned leather with a short red tunic. At his side hung a short sword of bronze, with a finely carved bone handle. Camilla felt dizzy and unable to formulate a response. She was unsure why, but perhaps it was because of Camertem’s striking sky-colored eyes that seemed to read her thoughts which distracted her, or it could be only the fatigue of travel. The good aroma coming from that man along with his frank and honest smile had enchanted her. Without finding a reason, Camilla felt a certain uneasiness. She would surely feel more comfortable if she were face to face with the young man, sword in hand, in battle .

“It 's rare to meet a she-warrior as famous as she is beautiful.” Camertem continued. “There are many stories told about you. I'd love to hear the true one, told by you alone. Now that I've had the good fortune to meet you in person, I would like to to hear this from your lips. Only if you want to tell me, of course.”

She liked the young man and denying her initial reaction of withdrawing, Camilla accepted the proposal. They talked for a long time. After the first moments of embarrassment, Camilla felt herself reassured as if she had forever known Camertem. The young King continued to being a good interlocutor. It was much later that the young couple felt the pangs of hunger, but the moon was already high in the sky and they had lost the ready meal at camp.

“There's a full moon, the air is clear and we can see as day,” said Camertem, “Show me how a real Volscian Amazon rides and I'll try not to be outdone.”

When it came to take a ride on horseback Camilla could never refuse, especially when there was an air of defiance. They walked briskly towards the horses tethered. Camertem said something to the guard and they rode away on their horses to the fields and woods of the plain Frusino. Antonius, who was outside, sitting at the entrance of his tent, saw them go away thinking how beautiful his own daughter was with her black hair in wind, galloping on her white horse. they looked the perfect couple, she and the blond young king who was riding beside her on his black stallion. The shepherd felt a little pleased and prayed to the gods of Olympus to give peace and serenity to the heart of his daughter- and why not in the form of domestic happiness surrounded by family.

Camertem and Camilla returned calm and disheveled. Those few hours spent together had blown away the winds of war and their own responsibilities. They walked side by side, holding their horses by bridle.

“I am not very supportive of this war.” Said the young man. “Yet, if my father asks me to fight at his side, I shall follow him. It was a pleasure to meet you, Queen of the Volscians, your people are lucky indeed.”

He looked into her eyes one last time and they both smiled. The young man paused and set his hand on girl's shoulder, then turned briskly and went to his tent. While Camertem was entering inside his tent, Camilla paused to look at him. This young man had quite shaken her beliefs about men. She went back under her tent and let herself drop like a stone. Lying down, her thoughts wandered for a moment to Camertem, to his father and to his words about men, but she was too tired and fell into a deep sleep.

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