IX The Sacred Fire

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IX The Sacred Fire

            One night at Little Well, Antonius was abruptly awakened by Camilla.

“Father, father, listen to me. Something extraordinary has happened. This evening, at dusk, when I was alone meditating in the cave, I saw a beautiful young stranger. I immediately wondered how she could have eluded all the guards, and I had promised myself to return later to punish them. But the beautiful girl says to me,

‘Do not worry Camilla and do not punish any of your guards. They have no responsibility, they are sleeping a magic sleep. My name is Opi, beloved nymph of the goddess, Diana. My Lady has taken to heart your case since you were little, and her predilection towards you increases every day. She appreciates the devotion that you are showing to her with your prayers and your actions, and, in her generosity, has decided to give you a gift. Here is a small stone jar and a vial. They are sacred, a gift of the gods, you will need to take them with you. Before each battle, you will pour a drop of liquid in the vial and then you will kindle it. The sacred fire will rise and will protect you in hunting and in battle. Upon your return, you will extinguish it each time. Do not worry about the content of the ampulla, the Fire of the Gods it contains will never see the end’

 Having said that, she turned back and moved away. I ran up to thank her, but she was vanished into nothingness.”

Although sleepy, Antonius listened attentively to the story and, after a moment's reflection, he replied,

“My daughter, with this news you make me happy and worried at the same time . Even the gods are with you. Your dedication and your behavior have not gone unnoticed. As soon as you can, take one sheep of mine, go on to Montenero and sacrifice it on the great altar of stone dedicated to Diana. You have to keep account of this most precious gift. As queen, you will face many dangers and battles. Keep it with you and do not entrust it to anyone. Diana knows how to be generous, but you're bound in gratitude to her”

The sacred fire of the QueenWhere stories live. Discover now