The teacher

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Background info: Trixie is Katyas teacher, the two of them were dating but since it's katyas last year Trixie wants to take a break.

Katya entered class with the new girl they seemed to like eachother she might be katyas new friend who knows, Trixie thought to herself.

As the rest of the class settled Trixie began telling them what was going to happen this period.  And they started watching a documentary. Trixie noticed Katya and the new girl to be talking alot. She looked at them for a little just to see. The girl was obviously comfy with katya. She had brown hair to around her shoulders, she had some cute glasses and was wearing a tight shirt and jeans.  Katya was low key flirting with her at this point. It was irritating trixie, buy also made her a little sad. She knew katya wasnt hers. They kept talking and touching eachother and trixie was trying not go snap at them. Trixie almost lost it when katya moved backwards and low key checked the girl out looking at her body. As the documentary ended she gave them the assignments for the documentary and said.

"Class dismissed for everyone, but Katya stay here I have to talk to you about the last assignment,"

Katya knew what this was about. Sat in her chair untill everyone had left.

"Last time I checked I got a perfect grade on my last assignment. You are just salty cus I was talking to that girl wasnt it?"

Trixie stood still.

"You wanna take a break but im still only yours huh?"

Katya walked upp to Trixie. They were close.

"If im yours, prove it," Katya whispered into Trixies ear.

Trixie took  one step closer.

"Oh I will," she whispered.
And with that they smashed their lips together. The school was  pretty much empty since it was the last class of the day trixie bent katya over her desk. She removed Katya's pants and rubbed her clit.

"Oh fuck Trixie," Katya gasped out

"Who do you belong to?" Trixie asked.
Katya moaned
"Dont make me repeat myself," trixie moved the panties and inserted two fingers.
Katya gasped and tried to push out words.
"Tell me," trixie went quicker.

"You, you trixie I belong to you," katya was edging closer and closer.

"Good girl, so now will you try that shit again?" Trixie knew katya was close.
She kept pumping two fingers into Katya,
Trixie pulled katyas head by her hair still pumping so that their bodies were closer as she whispered
"Cmon you can do it, cum for me," trixie pumped and kissed katya on her neck.

"Aahhh Trixie im going to cum!"Katya released herself on trixie, trixie continued to pump untill katya was done. She turned Katya around and put her fingers into katyas mouth and katya sucked her fingers clean.

"Get upp bby we gotta go, lets go to my house. " Trixe said.

An: hehe just thought of this. 499 words

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