Dream 2

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I feel paralysed as I wake up before him.
If I move, he'll wake up.
He does exactly that as I try to pull myself out of bed.
He yanks me back and he starts to kiss me all over.
He places a hand around my throat and one of my bump.
I wake up screaming and Kim comforts me.
"I'm okay."
I smile lightly as I get up.
I get dressed and I eat breakfast
"I'm gonna go into work today"
I tell her adamant.
"Are you sure?"
"I can't stay at home all day baby"
"Okay, let's drop Henry to daycare"
We drop him at daycare and then we head to work.
I sip on a coffee
We catch a case so I go to interview a witness with Kim.
"Hailey...I need you in my office"
I sigh as I put my gun in my drawer.
I fold my arms.
"Sit down Hailey"
Voight orders.
"I'll stand thanks"
He sighs as I lean against the windowsill
"Your new diagnosis can affect your decision making...it might be best if you stay here"
"You're putting me on desk duty? Again!"
"Yes I'm sorry but you need to figure yourself out first and then you'll be back in the files before you know it"
I run off and I cry.
I put my head into my knees and I just sob.
Nobody is there and nobody helps me.
I open my locker and I grab my blades.
I cut my arms and I feel like I might pass out.
I want to stop but I can't.
I slash my wrists
I feel like I'll collapse
That's exactly what I do.
I don't know how long I was out for but it felt like forever.

Kim's POV

Jay and I interviewed a witness.
"How's Hailey?"
He questions as we make our way back.
"She's struggling but she'll be okay"
We go inside the precinct and Sarge wants to talk to me.
I go into his office
"I've placed Hailey on desk duty and she didn't take it well"
"Where is she?"
"I don't know. Last I saw her she was heading for the locker room and she was in a bad way"
"You didn't even bother to check on her?"
"She doesn't like me Kim, it's obvious"
I sigh and I walk away
Tracy is in the room next to the locker room.
I look around and she's not anywhere
I check near our lockers and I see her shoe
She sprawled out with blood around her
She's a pale grey colour.
I stare blankly at her as I crouch down and check her pulse
"Baby! Baby can you hear me?"
I scream for her.
She comes running in.
There's blood all over me.
I check her pulse.
"Her pulse is threading!"
I make a makeshift tourniquet and Tracy gets the paramedics.
Sylvie loads her onto a stretcher.
I hurry into the stretcher.
Tracy comes with me.
She holds me tightly as they shock Hailey once she flatlines
I sob with relief as her chest rises
"We've got her back. It's going to be a long recovery"
I sob as Tracy holds me.
They wheel her into the ED
Will looks horrified.
I'm covered in her blood and I'm standing there not knowing what to do.
"Let's get an IV line in and give her a blood transfusion."
They put an IV in her arm and they push fluids.
I have tears in my eyes as I watch her small figure twitch in the bed
"Call psych"
Will says.
"Do you really have to do that?"
"It was clearly an attempt on her life, I'm sorry Kim"
"You're just doing your job"
He lightly placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Is she going to be okay?"
I question to Will as Tracy holds my hand.
"She just needs to heal. We've given her a sedative just to calm her down."
I nod slightly
"She'll be out for a while so I suggest you go home and pack a bag for her."
"Can you stay with her Trace?"
I question with tears in my eyes
"Of course. I'll update you if anything happens"
I get Sylvie to drop me to our house.
I take Hailey's car to the hospital after I packed some bags
I fold her clothes and I place them into a drawer.
I put a blanket over her since she's twitching.
"You don't have to stay trace"
"She's like a daughter to me Kim."
"I know"
We both sit down.
I put a blanket over myself and I attempt to sleep

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