Just random things of Ropo because I decided to watch some old videos e

All of this is character not real life 👍

"()" are video names. "[]" are notes.

Ropo stutters a lot when he's nervous.

Also apparently talks fast when he's making things up/lying. [-Angel, can't remember the video]

Ropo's probably in his early twenties by oldest if we're going by irl dates since the RP's seem to. He was introduced when he was still in highschool and Stark kept calling him kid or that he was too young so. (Little Ropo's nuclear disaster | New wheels for Little Ropo)

Ropo didn't have his driver's lisensce and pilot lisensce during Superhero School. I'm assuming either Cap or Stark taught him how to drive and fly helicopters since Stark mentions it. (New wheels for Little Ropo)

Ropo doesn't like to use motorbikes. He thinks it's too dangerous and prefers cars because its safer. Apparently. (Little Ropo's stepdad gets shot)

Ropo was apart of the Teen Titans during Superhero School. Which- I did not know that before.

Ropo calls his stepdad, dad.

Ropo mentions he doesn't know why Cap is so nice to him since they don't really hang out that much outside of school or training to which Stark responds with "Cap's grooming you to be the leader of MineVengers." (New wheels for Little Ropo)

Stark and Cap seem to be more of hero/mentor friends with Ropo rather than guardian or whatever. Stark does hang out with Ropo for fun sometimes though. Cap however, seems to be more proffessional. Might change opinion in future.

Ropo's records had shown that his parents were Superman and Lous Lane [Which means he might be half-kryptonian?? This was literally never brought up again. I do find it funny how Ropo's hero outfit is similar to Superman though knowing this.]

There was also only three powers listed there which means these might be the ones he was technically born with and not whatever other powers he gains later on.
- Flight
- Super Healing/Abnormally Heal
- Invisibility

[Which means he doesn't have super strength like I thought he did 💀 He might have it in gen 2 though. Dude can create a small crator so.] (Baby Angel is Ropo's sister)

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