Part 1: Scholars

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Tighnari's POV:


Sumeru is a big place, with tall trees, and a diverse species of plants and mushrooms. It was the first day I started studying at the akademiya. It was a big school. Lots of scholars, a huge library, fresh materials, and sensible adults. The housings are treehouses, and the school itself was a bit elevated. I remember the huge doors on my first day, opening with ease, no sound at all, despite it's size. I also remember hearing the hushed whispers of dedicated scholars, and the bubbling of the central fountain. It was like heaven contained in a big dome. 

I also remember bumping into someone that day. I was too distracted by the school, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. The guy looked to be a bit older than me, and had glaring black eyes. 

"Watch it." He said.

"I-I'm sorry-" He grabbed my collar and yanked me up before I finished my sentence. "Do you have any idea who you're talking to?" He asked. I shook my head. "I'm the most powerful scholar this school has ever seen, Darias, so you better know your place." I flinched as he spat out the sentence. He then threw me on the floor and yanked my biology book out of my hands. "Such a nerd, and what would a fox have any bussiness in the akademiya? I didn't know they accepted losers like you." 

I reached for my book. It was the only one I could afford. "Give it back!" I managed to say. He laughed. "Oh look, little boy wants his nerd material back. How sad." He threw my book into the fountain and continued to laugh. 

I ran over to pick up my soaked book, tears threatening to spill. I ran as fast as I could. I couldn't see anything. The school was a blur with my tears as I struggled to navigate the halls. At last, my strength wore out and I sank to the ground. I wiped my tears away and looked around where I was. Millions of books encased the room from ceiling to floor. This must be the library. 

I stood up, wobbling slightly, and started to walk around. I clutched my wet book tightly as I did.  In the Fungi section, I found a book about all the mushroom species in Sumeru on display. I went towards it. 

Little did I realize then that a parrticular Mr. Someone happened to want the same book I was eyeing. It struck us both as surprise when we both reached for the book, but ended up yanking it from it's spot and dropping it. I, being the light and feathery thing I was back then, ended up falling along with the book. 

I sat up instantly and fumbled for my soggy biology book. A soft hand extended in front of me. "I'm sorry!" He whisper-shouted. It was a library, after all. I blinked a few times to regain my eyesight, and turned my gaze to the person that just grabbed the same book I did. 

He was tall, and tan. His hair was white with an edge of silver, and his eyes were amber, with a hint of red around the pupils. He wore a headpiece that looked heavy and threatening, and he had on a black robe of some sort. He looked to be around my age. He looked like those guys you see in hero storybooks, but at the same time, there was a bit of a villain inside the hero. 

The man cleared his throat. "Well, are you gonna take my hand and get up? Or do you want to stay and stare at me longer?" 

I felt my face turn red in embarrassment. Taking his hand, I stood up slowly, still holding my now liquified biology book. 

He smiled. "The name's Cyno, by the way." I blinked. After a few seconds of processing his words, I managed to stutter "I-I'm Tighn-nari" Gosh why am I such an introvert? 

"Well Tighnari, It's nice to meet you." He shook my hand. I just stood there, not moving. Cyno bent down and retrieved the mushroom book. "I believe you wanted this." He said, handing the book to me. "No it's okay, you can have it. I was just wandering around. I'm new here." I mumbled. 

Cyno's expression changed suddenly. "Well then I think you'd need a tour and some nice jokes to brighten your day then." He then took my arm and dragged me into the halls. All on our tour, he told countless jokes and pickup lines. His sense of humor was as dry as his natural habitat. Personally, I thought it was funny how unfunny his jokes were.

Cyno also persuaded me into joining him as a roomate for his treehouse. I guess no one wanted to hear his bad jokes, but he'd been nothing but nice to me, so naturally I agreed. He was kind enough to haul all my belongings up swiftly, and take me to a cafe. We talked a bit about our origins while I slowly ate my rose custard. I was from the warm rainforest climates. Cyno was from the desert areas obviously. 

After the dinner, he took me around Sumeru. Night time in Sumeru was different from the day. It was more quiet, and the lights illuminated the streets in a warm glow. I started to feel sluggish as we walked on. Cyno took note of that and asked if I wanted to go back and rest. All I could do was nod. 

I remember walking back a little, then suddenly my legs gave way. Luckily, Cyno caught me. His hands were on my waist, sending a wave of electricity to run through my body. I pretended to be offended by his actions, but alas, my tail gave me away, wagging back and forth despite mt tiredness. Cyno decided not to question, and laughed it off. 

I made it quite a distance before collapsing again. This time, I couldn't get up. Cyno knelt down to meet my gaze. "I'm gonna carry you back mkay?" He asked. I shook my head. 

He sighed and tried again. This time in a softer, more flirtatious tone. "Nari~ you don't feel too well. I'm going to carry you back now, alright?" 

My breath hitched at the nickname and I gave in to his hold. He picked me up gently and headed back. I relaxed a bit more in his arms. For the first time since I traveled to Sumeru, I felt safe. I felt like I could trust Cyno. 

I looked up at him. His gaze fell softly on me. What was he thinking about now?

I started to notice that the whole time he was carrying me, Cyno was eyeing my ears. 

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