Part 2: Reunion

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Tighnari's POV: 


I woke up to a thud and a scream. 

Panicking, I pulled on a jacket and ran next door, bow in hand. 

Collei had dropped a stack of books on the floor when she slipped. 

"Good morning Mr. Tighnari." She squeaked under the papery mess. 

I frowned. "Collei I thought a group of hilichurls descended on you. Don't scream like that next time, that almost gave me a heart attack!"

Collei apologized while I scooped the books up and plopped them on the wooden desk. Setting my bow down, I started sorting through the papers.

Collei sat on the table and fidgeted with her vision. "That reminds me, Mr. Tighnari, I invited The one and only General Mahamatra over for a month. It's his break, and you haven't seen him in 4 years so I thought it'd be nice for you two to catch up a bit!" Collei clapped in triumph.

For some reason, the words didn't register in my head right away. I sat there staring blankly at the papers for a moment before launching into the air. 

"YOU DID WHAT??" I practically shrieked at the now terrified Collei.

"I-I t-thou-ght y-you might en-enjoy a lil company...." She stuttered.

I sighed. 

"Are you mad at me? I'm sorry, I didn't realize you didn't lik-" I held up a hand, silencing Collei.

"No I'm not mad, it's just, I haven't had company in a long time. Well, except for you. I haven't seen the guy in 4 years, Collei. I don't know what to say to him anymore. What if he talks formal now? What if he hates me? What if I-" I stopped mid-sentence to Collei shaking her head. 

"Mr. Tighnari. You'll be fine." Collei said, flicking her bangs back. "That sounded very suspicious though..." She continued. 

I questioned what she meant by "suspicious" but she shook that off. 

After a lot of thinking, (and constant whining from Collei) I finally gave in and accepted the fact that General Mahamatra was coming to stay for a month. 

I left Collei to her own celebration. Right now, I needed to get changed and tidy my hair. 

I put on my usual clothes and eased my hair from it's morning dance before sleeking the fur on my ears. I also pat out all the static electricity from my tail. Looking into the mirror, I nodded in satisfaction. I then headed downstairs to fix myself my usual cup of herbal tea. 

For some weird reason, I felt nervous about meeting him again. I don't know why. Was it because he was widely feared and very powerful? Mmm... no. Was it because he has a high ranking position? Ehhh... no. So why am I feeling this nervous?

I decided to leave those questions for the archons to ponder. 

Forest patrolling was routine. First I went to Collei's to check on her and deliver a mug of tea. Then I say goodbye, and she would politely remind me to not ingest any weird mushrooms because she didn't want to run back and forth getting me herbs. 

Ususally I say I won't but end up doing the opposite. I can't help it! Mushrooms are so good......

Anyways, today I did as I was told and stayed away from the 'shrooms. For once. Because we will be having a guest today, and I'm not going to let him see me sick. 

I also got home earlier to shower and change. Collei had set a dinner on the table outside, and by the time I finished floundering over my hair and ears, our guest had already arrived.

Oh my archons, he was... attractive. He was a bit taller than the last time I saw him, and much more muscular. His headpiece looked menacing, as usual, and his eyes and hair were the same. 

He cleared his throat. "Well are you going to sit down? Or do you want to stay and stare at me longer?" 

I felt my face heat up in embarrassment as Collei giggled. Taking my seat, I decided to actually talk.

I started the conversation. "So, General Mahamatra..." He stopped me. "Just call me Cyno, I'm still the same person, Nari." He said, his gaze slowly rising to meet mine. That nickname got me visibly flustered and I prayed to the archons Collei and Cyno wouldn't see it. "Alright Cyno, So how's life been after we left the akademiya?" I continued.

"It's alright, though no one seems to be interested in me other than my looks and my title. I hate the fangirls, and they pretend to laugh at my jokes. It's just not the same. You, on the other hand knew me before I went famous, and the times I spent with you were a lot more enjoyable because you weren't interested in my title." Cyno finished his sentence with a wink. 

I looked away. 

The rest of the meal turned into Cyno telling dad jokes to Collei and her giggling at the stupidity in the jokes. Occasionally he would flick a few cheesy pickup lines towards me, sending Collei into a fit of laughter. 

Slowly, I started to feel secure, like the old times. I relaxed a little.

When the stars waved hello in the sky, Collei said goodnight and headed to bed. 

Cyno couldn't sleep with Collei because that would be weird, so he let himself into my room quite easily. Being the somewhat gentleman he is, he offered to sleep on the floor. To reduce awkwardness. 

I sighed. This is going to be a long month.


916 words!!!!

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