alpha chase

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I was shoved into a locker by the mean school bullies, Rey and Funkytown, but in hindsight I guess it's better that I got a "Hey loser! gimme your nitro money!" than being chased by an alpha.

Hey, at least Rainestorm the school loser got shoved into the locker next to me. I had someone to gossip to during this apocalypse.

"Bro isn't that kid Aires sooooo weird that's why he turned into a wolf. I don't know how he pulled Y/N, hes so hot." I said


Tears streaked down my face as Aries bounced out of the room faster than the mods banning people. I had never meant to cheat on Aries, but kissing Viviy felt so... right. And it's not like we ever confirmed we were dating. But I couldn't lose him. I didn't care to think about either of them anymore.

I knew I was the only one who could calm him down, so I bolted after him. Heads turn to me as I chased after Aries. "Ohmygod!!" "So romantic" and other gasps were heard as I ran.

"Aries!" I cried out in my angelic voice.
The wolf slowly stopped munching on an innocent student. He growled, his red fur glistening.

"Wowzers, what a neato situation!" a kid named Oscar said, clutching his Biology book and pushing his glasses further up his nose.

"Aries... this isn't you. This isn't the you we know and love. Please my snuggle buggle cutie muffin lovebug sweet sugarplum gumdrop shmuckums, calm down and let me explain" I said between gasps and sobs, fighting to keep my voice mildly steady. I Luv Kobeni brought out their boombox and blasted Fight Song in the distance as my hair flew behind me even though there was no wind in the building.

Aries let out a whimper, and slowly began to shrink, before falling into a once again human crumpled figure on the floor. I screamed.

ARIESX Y/N HIGH SCHOOL AUWhere stories live. Discover now