Chapter 2

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The school day passes and i'm now home. I relax and take a nap for a bit before gettting ready. I got ready into this black suit, with a light color top, some heels, and glasses. I put on my wig and contacts and it was time for Ace to pick me up.

Now on Not As Innocent As She Looks:

I checked myself in the mirror to see how i look and i look professional.

I checked myself in the mirror to see how i look and i look professional

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(Her outfit, but she has blond hair and a mask on)

Once i finshed checking myself out i heard a notification come from my phone, i looked at it and it was a text from Ace saying he was here. So i grab my bag and got out my apartment, locked it, and headed towards Ace's car.

"You ready" he asked

"Nah, i still need to get my nails done"

"Haha get in"

So i get in and the drive was about an hour

"Why is it so far" i whined

"Mr.Delcua has a private office in this town and he wanted to talk there"

"Ahhh okay"

"Yea all his brothers will be there, and just a warning one might not like you."

"What why, what did i do?"

"He lost a fight too you, his fighter name is Blade, you're the only person he has ever lost too"

"So homie is mad that me The Dark Angel beat him in a fight"

"Yea pretty much"

"Well great, but whatever I'm not going to create petty arguments, i'm going for bussiness"

"Yea well we are here so let's go"

When i got out the car i saw this huge ass building like maybe 60 stories high or maybe more. Ace pulled out this card and placed it on the door and then the door opened. We entered this lobby and head towards the elevator. Ace once again scaned his card on the elevator pannel and we went up. Once we got to the floor, i realized that we were at the top floor. Ace knocked and i heard a deep voice say come in. I put on a serious look, although you can't really see me since my mask is on but my eyes show. Ace puts on his serious face too and opened the door for me, i said a quick thanks and strutted into the meeting room. I saw 6 men seated at the table that took up most of the room.

"Ahhh Dark Angel Pleasure to meet you, I am Adriano Deluca the Capo of the Italian Mafia" Mr.Deluca said as he stood up and walked over to shake my hand

"It's nice to meet you too Mr.Deluca" i said

"Please call me Adriano"

"As you wish Adriano, As you may know this here with me is Ace Callen, my right hand."

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