Chapter 5

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I started thinking my life is gonna be different from now on. I'm holding secrets against them and I know they are too even tho I know their secrets. It's gonna be hard to trust them but Ace is right I need to start trusting people. Not everyone will be like them. But we'll see. Cuz I know having 6 older brothers won't probably be the easiest life either. Let's see what life has in store for me now. With that I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Now on Not As Innocent As She Looks:

"Oakley wake up, Oakleyyyyyy"


"It's time for breakfast cariño"

"Food?" I said sticking my head out from the blanket I was buried in.

"Yea food" Adriano chuckled

"Can I change first?"

"Yea I'll wait for you outside."

Adriano went out side of my room and I got up, brushed my teeth and then my hair and changed into some dark red pants, with a white tank top and this white little sweater that has strawberries on it, along with red converse.

After I changed I opened my door and saw Adriano standing there, on his phone

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After I changed I opened my door and saw Adriano standing there, on his phone.

"Umm I'm ready"

"Okay, let's go, I told the boys I had a surprise for them so they are all down in the dining room waiting."

"Ughh okay"

So we walked down the stairs and we ended up were i first entered last night and then we turned left and then right and there was a door.

"Wait right here. When I say come in you come."

I just nodded my head. Adriano walked in and I heard a bunch of voice talking at once and then I heard Adriano speak

"SILENCE!!! Now I know you guys are wondering what the surprise is. But before I show you the surprise I would like to apologize first. I probably should of told you this when I got the call but I was very excited and I really needed to go fill out some paperwork and let's just say it was hectic. But yesterday I got a call that there was this girl who was in California that shared DNA with us and turns out that girl was our sister."

"Wait so what are you saying." Some voice said

"Oakley is found."

"This isn't a funny joke Adri" I heard someone else say

"I'm not joking, I did another DNA test and it come back saying she is our sister."

"Omg we have to set up the house and make her a room" a voice said

"She finally found"

"Omg I get to meet her. I'll be here favorite brother."

"What if it's not even her and just some random bitch pretending to be our sister." Someone said

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