Chapter 9

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"Look i honestly don't wanna tell you but I know this story will come out sooner or later and I definitely would like you guys to hear this story by me and not from the Hernadez's, cuz this is my story to tell not theirs."

Now on Not As Innocent As She Looks:

"So a few years ago, Rain and Tom got in a car accident and they passed away."

"Wait what, how come we didn't here about this?" Said Adriano

"I don't know, don't ask me. Anyways I was put into foster care but the foster care system wasn't the nicest place, I was verbally abused and physically abused, so I ran away, and I hid. I didn't tell no one what happened or where I was. That was until a few days later while I was walking i bumped and I mean literally bumped into Phoenix, he took me back to his place and his parents comforted me and I told them everything but I haven't said everything to you guys yet, Rain and Thomas use to abuse me too. They were never parents to me, I was tortured, used for there own entertainment. I hated it! But after they died I was free or so I thought until the foster care system, that's why I ran away from my foster home. I just couldn't deal with that again. But yea after I told the Hernadez's everything they took me in and I was living with them, until one day I came home from school and they were gone. There was a note left saying they had left and I never saw or heard from them ever since. I was on my own after that."

After my story everyone had different emotions, Dima was punching the wall, allister had tears in his eyes and so did Braxton, Easton and Adriano had a numb look. And Stefano came and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry you went through all of that Tesoro." Said Stefano

"Don't be, none of you. Don't feel bad. You guys didn't abuse me so you guys don't need to apologize." I said to all of them.

"Anyways if that's all, now I'm gonna go get my chips byeee." I said and actually went to go get them. While in the kitchen I heard the front door slam shut. I know this is probably hard for them to hear what I went through but I got over it, well not completely but I enough for me to move on with my life. And I definitely don't want them to be sad or mad about something they couldn't prevent, I was taken by rain from my family what happened to me was rain fault, not theirs.

Anyways after that I went up to my room and nobody came to see me. I went down to eat dinner but no one was around. So I just ate cereal and after went to my room and showered. I decided to read a book and then a while later I looked at the time. It was 11:26pm.

"Time to sleep" I thought to myself. I turned off my phone since I was reading the book on there. I laid down and cover myself with the soft and warm blankets and right when I was about to sleep, I heard a knock at my door. I stood up and debated to open the door and then I decided I'll open it. I slowly walked to the door and opened it. No one was there, I looked down the halls and saw no one and right when I was gonna close the door I looked down and saw a sunflower on the floor.

"What is this doing here" I whispered to myself as I picked it up. I looked again down the hall and closed the door. The sunflower made me smile. I really love sunflowers. They are so gorgeous but it's weird who put that there? Eehhh it's late to figure out this mystery. I placed the sunflower on my book shelf and went to sleep.

*Beep Beep Beep Be-* stupid ass alarm so annoying. It was 6:30 and it was time to get ready for school. I honestly hope that my brothers don't treat me differently. I didn't see any of them after I told them my story. I don't need them treating me like a glass doll. Anyways I did my normal routine but also did a bit of makeup. I changed into a green top with some jeans. I put a headband on and some cute white heels.

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