Chapter-22 We Met Again

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"Uhmm!' Y/n slightly cleared her throat to catch Jungkook's attention,which she successfully got when his fingers stops dancing on keys and he lifted his head up to look at her.

"Yes!" Y/n slightly shifts on her position nervously.

"Can I use your phone? I have to call eomma." Her eyes were roaming all around except him.

"Why? I mean where is yours? And weren't you talking to eomma few minutes before. I am not complaining though." Jungkook asks as his eyes were noticing her every action. Why she is so nervous? Is it seriously too hard to talk with him?

"Mine got discharged while talking to her. She must be worried so.."
Jungkook nods his head in acknowledgement and grab his phone which was placed beside him on bed.

Just when he was about to hand her phone,it started ringing. Jungkook rolled his eyes and said.

"She already is calling. This never happened with me. Sometimes I wonder is she really my mom? She seriously loves you more than me."
Jungkook complained in tiny with a small adoring pout on his lips. He didn't even noticed what he just did.

Y/n was shocked witnessing his new side. Her eyes fall on his pout and her mind questioned. Is he is the same person whose face is always masked with coldness?

Unknowingly a small giggle left from her mouth and she let out some unexpected words.

"You are so cute." Next second the adorable pout disappeared and his gaze fixed on her more likely admiring her smile. Its the first time he saw her smiling and god it's so beautiful. Unknowingly the corners of his lips lifted up.

Something is wrong with his heart.

While y/n who proceeds what she just blurted out immediately press her lips into a thin line and mentally winces. What the hell she just said?

Jungkook continue to stare at her which got disrupted by the phone ringing again. Great timing,mom!
He mentally groaned before passing the ringing mobile to y/n.

"She is seriously worried." Jungkook says with a slight eye roll. Y/n wanted to laugh but control herself. She took the phone before going towards the small balcony of their room.

While, jungkook heaved out a loud sigh and shook his head.

There is definitely something wrong with me.

"Hyung stop working." Zaid says to jungkook more like was whining to get this workaholic man's attention.

"Zaid,stop disturbing me. I have so many things to do. If you have something to say just spill fast and get out."
Jungkook's voice was laced with irritation. While saying this,he didn't even lifted his head to look at the younger. His eyes were digging on the laptop screen.

"You are so rude hyung. I seriously feel pity for y/n noona. How do she even manage your behavior? Poor noona. If I was in her place then I would have left you long ago."
Zaid blabbered playfully without noticing how his last sentence impacted the boy sitting on bed. Jungkook's hands stop working. His eyes were still fixed on screen but blankly. He was practically staring at nothing. 

The thought of y/n leaving him,clenched his heart painfully and throat tighten up. He aggressively shook his head to get rid of these type of nonsense. However,he know Zaid was just joking then why he imagined about y/n?

This won't happen.
Y/n will never leave him....right?

"Hyung....hyung....HYUNG!" Zaid who noticed his frozen state, called out him loudly while shaking his body in concern. Jungkook come out from his thoughts by the aggressive shook and look at Zaid mindlessly.

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