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Ch.5 Help not wanted

Right now Wednesday and I are in the infirmary wing. Thanks to her trying to prove herself and stuff. 

I hear something that awfully sounds like the pattering of tiny feet. I investigate the sound while the nurse takes care of Wednesday. I go near the cabinets and the sound just got louder...

While I'm searching in the cabinets, Wednesday grads my arm and drags me outside... she left me by the entrance of the infirmary and wandered off... I'm about to leave when I hear the sounds again, this time it's louder. I look around and I see what is making the sounds all along.

I go near the water tank, and grab a hold of the culprit behind the sounds.

"There you are..."I whispered delightedly. "Did you think I wouldn't notice you walking about?"

The hand in my hands quivers, "don't worry Thing, I won't tell Wednesday." I say nonchalantly, I keep Thing in my pocket and head towards my room. Once there I sit down on my bed and take Thing out.

"Let me guess, aunt and uncle sent you to look after Wednesday, I guess they couldn't trust me enough.."


"If they trusted me... nevermind. I'll have to leave you here. I have to go to my therapy sessions."


I enter Kinbott's office, where she's sitting their back straight and a cup of tea in her hand "Welcome Ophelia, I look forward to our session today" she says while motioning to a seat in front of her.. I carefully walk over like every time and sit at the edge trying to distance myself from her even more.

"How are you?" She says with a smile on her face.

"As fine as a person can be when they are being questioned for their sanity..." "I see" she said smiling sweetly.

"I heard your cousin joined the school!"

"Of course you did, she's gonna have therapy sessions with you isn't she? Well, one word of advice, do not trigger her. Do you remember what happened to you when you pushed me too far?"

"Ophelia, it would be best to let the experts take care of these matters." She said, trying not to get angry.

She continued to ask a series of questions and at the end of our session I got up to leave when she stopped me.

"Oh and I almost forgot. Since you're getting better, I thought we should move forward with your next activity." She said as though she was a child about to burst open a piñata.

"And that is?"

"Your next activity is to get to know humans a little better, without trying to kill them... he'll be waiting for you downstairs."

What, no way is she setting me up. I'm not ready

Nevertheless, I hesitantly go down. And I saw the boy who was waiting for me... I recognized him, curly hair, blue eyes...even though it has been half a decade and it seems as though he doesn't recognize me...

"Hey... Ophelia? I'm Tyler.. Tyler galpin" he puts one hand out,


"So..." pulling his hand back, since I didn't shake it.

"Now if you don't mind I'll be leaving now."

"Uh, what about Dr. Kinbott's-"


And before he could say anything else I rushed out.


It's been three days since my visit. Wednesday principal Weems and I are going to Dr Kinbott for Wednesday's session..."Dr. Kinbott's office is on the second floor. Other Nevermore students swear by her." Principal says.

"You'll be here until I'm done?"

"Perhaps afterwards we can visit the Weathervane for hot chocolate."

"Principal Weems, this feeble attempt at bonding is beneath you. And chauffeuring your students around is below your pay grade."

"Given your history, I'm sure you're intent on running away. I'm here to prevent that from happening." For some reason I feel like principal Weems is trying to challenge Wednesday.

"I wish you luck." Wednesday says before slamming the car door shut.

After a while, I sit there with my headphones on, listening to some music.

"Ophelia dear, how about you go visit Weathervane and wait for us there? " principal Weems says after a good 5 minutes. I sit there staring at her face, "it's ok, I'll stay in the car" but she insisted that I go...

"Ok" is all I say before I leave. It's not like I wanted to but I guess there was nothing for me to do in the car.

When I enter the Cafe I see Tyler, what a coincidence. I assume he works here considering that he's wearing an apron, and playing with an espresso machine.

And for some weird reason I head towards him. I don't wanna , but my legs aren't stopping. Oh fudge.

"What's wrong with your machine?" I ask, after standing there watching him for who knows how long.

He looks up at me, kind of startled.

"It's a temperamental beast with a mind of its own, and it doesn't help that the instructions are in Italian." I walk behind the counter and start reading the instructions.

"I need a tri-wing screwdriver and a four-millimeter Allen wrench." I say and start opening the machine properly.

"Wait, you read Italian?" "Yes...?" The machine puffs out air and seemingly out of nowhere Wednesday shows up.

"Holy crap!" Tyler exclaims, "Do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people?"

"What are you doing here?" I ask, getting started with fixing the machine.

"It's more of a hobby." She answers, ignoring me.

"You go to Nevermore too?" He asks, clearly he can't see that the uniform Wednesday is wearing, is screaming that she goes to Nevermore.

"Yes now, I need a quad over ice. It's an emergency." She says, but Tyler just stares at her, "It's four shots of espresso."

"Yeah, I... I know what a quad is, but, spoiler alert, the espresso machine's having a seizure, so all we have is drip."

"But drip is for people who hate themselves and know their lives have no real purpose or meaning... Here's the deal. Since she's fixing your coffee machine, you're going to make my coffee and call a taxi."

"Wait what" I say..

"Uh, no taxis in Jericho. Try Uber?" Is he seriously gonna help her?

"I don't have a phone. I refuse to be a slave to technology."

"Then you're out of luck. Where are you going anyway?"

"That's on a need-to-know basis. What about trains?"

"Nearest station is Burlington. It's half an hour away."

"There we go..." I say, their conversation had been going on far too long.

"Wow. Thanks. I never met a Nevermore kid who got their hands dirty" Tyler smiles at me, then he turned to Wednesday.

"I didn't catch your name, or is that on a need-to-know basis too?"


"Tell you what, Wednesday. To show my appreciation, how about I drive you to Burlington?"


Seriously... just like old times, cousin..

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