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The Call

Ophelia walked over to Wednesday's dorm room and knocked after hearing no reply. She just let herself in, the room was neatly divided into two parts. One was colorful and vibrant and the other was dark and plain. 

She was expecting Wednesday to be in her room by now but to her surprise she was still out of her terrace, but the surprising part was that she was talking to Enid.

Ophelia had just assumed that Wednesday would never talk to someone who wears every color of the rainbow. But there she was... I guess I don't know her all that well after all Ophelia thought. 


"Your secret's safe with me. Still think you're weird as shit, though." Ophelia heard Enid saying. Interesting 

"What do you know about keeping secrets anyways. I'm pretty sure this will end up on your blog just like last time." Ophelia said leaning on the glass.

"Ophelia! I- you.. I never mea-"

"Whatever, I'm going to my room" she interrupted. 

"Wait" Wednesday said out of nowhere, making Ophelia stop. She turned to look at her cousin interested in what she had to say.

"How would you like your single room back? She asked Enid, "Ophelia, you need to call Tyler." 

"What?" She responded in shock.

"You have his number... don't you." Wednesday stated.

"I do, Kinbott gave it to my, how did you know that though"

"Nevermind that, just call him for me."


Each time Ophelia heard the ring back tone her heart pounded harder in her chest. She wasn't sure why but she was extremely nervous. 

And it wasn't helping that both Enid and Wednesday were going to be listening to their conversation. They were standing next to the table she was sitting at, Enid was on her right and Wednesday on her left.

Was it because she had accidentally almost plunged a knife inside of him before? Or was it because of something else...?

"Uh... hi." She heard the voice on the other side, and replied. But she started panicking when she realized that her mic was on mute and she accidentally switched to video call. He looked weirdly at her shoulder 

"That's Thing." She finally responded after unmuting.

"Is he, like, your pet?" He said and instantly regretted it after Thing, offended, immediately flipped him off. "He's sensitive." Ophelia said, trying to explain his behavior.

"Look, I know Nevermore is ground zero for all things weird, but that is next-level." He said, still not believing that a hand that was decapitated from its body was moving let alone understand what he was saying. 

Ophelia shrugged  

"So... You still up? " he said. "Up for what?" "Hanging out? "

Enid's eyes lit up and she started almost jumping while Wednesday started blankly at her and the screen

"Are you still willing to help my cousin escape?" She avoided his previous question.

"After what happened today, I figured they'd have you guys solitary." He replied jokingly.

"I guess not..." she looked at Wednesday, who was signaling her to go on. "There's the Harvest Festival this weekend." She continued "Attendance is mandatory. We can use it as a cover. If you're willing to drive her to the station, I can make it worth your while."

"I'm in. And no charge. Consider it a freebie."


"'Cause I wish I was leaving too. At least one of us will get out of this hellhole town."


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