Chapter Two: Ozymandias

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Will had been running through the desert for god knows how long. His head felt dizzy and his eyes were fuzzy. He was about to collapse on the ground when he saw the strangest thing, an ocean.

There was an ocean. IN THE MIDDLE OF UTAH?

"What the fuck?" Wilbur mumbled to himself. He walked up to the water source and scooped and some of the water with his free hand. Will brought the sea water to his mouth and tasted it. Sure enough, it was sea water.

Wilbur spat out the salty liquid which was weirdly grittier than normal water. He stared at the strange ocean for a moment while reminiscing about the fact he is a criminal now. He not only punched a teenager in the face but he stole this life changing burger. Wilbur turned away from the sea and begun to walk down the shore. He looked up from the sand to see a guy. Just standing there.

Well that's strange, surly there wasn't anyone else out here. But this guy was. Wilbur walked up to the guy cautiously, studying each of his features.

"Uhh hello sir?" Wilbur spoke, giving a little wave to the man. What Wilbur had failed to notice from afar was that the man was standing on a stone pedestal with a label engraved into the front. The man turned and stared down at Will.

"Hello Wilbur Soot." The man greeted, giving a slight smile.

"You know my name?" Wilbur was taken aback by the fact a random man he had never seen in his life knew his name.

"That is correct." His voice was low and rough but quite pleasant and welcoming.

"Well can I know yours?" Will asked and the man responded gesturing to the pedestal he stood upon. The engravement read 'Ozymandias'. Huh, Wilbur had heard that name before, was it from a poem, or a drawing, or was it a show about drugs? He couldn't remember. It didn't matter to him anyways, all that mattered to him was his burger.

"Uh Ozy, can I call you that? What's with this ocean?" Wilbur asked Ozymandias "there's not supposed to be an ocean for miles and miles. We're kinda in the middle of Utah."

"What lead you too this ocean Wilbur?" Ozymandias asked, turning back to glare across the waters.

"You didn't answer my question, but I guess it was my burger?"

"This ocean will lead to your future William. A future away from your sad life to a new better one, and this burger wants you too be in it." Wilbur swivelled around and stared out at the sea. He lifted the burger up gazed upon its beautiful features. Was this burger really leading him to a brighter future, where he wouldn't have to restock shelves with unhealthy snacks for car trips? A future where he wouldn't have to serve slurpee's to annoying teenagers all day? A future where he wouldn't have to deal with Karen's who wanted a cheaper price for their fuel, even though they did have a point, it was hella expensive? If this was what the future was leading him too he really didn't want to miss out.

"Ozy! Where can I get a boat?"

"Too your left Mr Soot." Sure enough there was a boat there. Wilbur placed his beloved burger carefully into the boat and begun to push it out in to the water. He jumped abord and began to row himself away from the shore.

"Thank you Ozymandias!" Wilbur yelled to the stone statue standing on the lone and level sand of the beach. He turned back to the horizon and rowed the boat to where his future awaited him.


okay this wasn't supposed to be as welly written as it is, I just got a tad bit too invested lmao.

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